DisclosureFest Day 2

Another spectacular day at the Luxor collecting confirmations and learning new things. Started my day with some ancient Egyptian imagery and some secrets of soul transfiguration lectured by William Henry. He discussed topics such as angelic intelligence, traveling the stars as light beings, earthly cycles of incarnation and the Milky Way. He also spoke about original spiritual cosmic teachings accompanied with images from ancient Egypt. He also spoke about worm holes andĀ mentioned rainbow light bodies, Tibetan traditions along with transfiguring and fine tuning ourselves into higher frequency beings of light. Cool stuff.

Next I headed to the mass meditation that began at 11:11am. The best part about the meditation was when we all chanted OM three times, very powerful. From there I went to listen to Dr. Q Moayad speak about Nadi astrology and palm leaf readings from India. Very interesting and not like anything I’ve ever heard of as far as a form of divination. I’m not even going to try and explain it because it’s unique and quite complicated yet still mind blowing all at the same time.

He did say something that really caught my attention, he was saying how there are some souls who have reached enlightenment, not his word actually, he used another word that I don’t recall, but for layman’s purposes that’s the word I’m using. Basically those who’s souls have grown all that they can and have returned to Source, there’s those who choose to return to Earth, they come back because they see the need. When they do return they choose a hard life full of tough lessons. When someone asked why they would do that his response was so they could connect with others through their experiences. He referred to them as Time Travelers aka Lightworkers.


Side note…it’sĀ  yay.

It was a very interesting lecture as I suppose they all are. Couldn’t help but notice the tattoo on the girl sitting next to me. Angel symbols, hers says love while mine reads sacred unity. Then there’s this guy, friends come in all shapes and sizes.

Sat through an hour meditation of DNA and planetary grid activations with Jerry Sargent. After that I headed to Astral Genesis which was not what I expected but cool nonetheless. He lectured about Astrotheology and ancient mystic symbolism and things hidden in plain sight, his words which definitely caught my attention. He spoke about The Last Supper giving me a whole new perspective on that painting. He spoke about pyramids and solar symbolism, the Equinoxes, Winter and Summer Solstices and how almost everything has a 23.5 degree angle along with ancient calendars.

The evening ended with a panel of QHHT practitioners which was the highlight of the day. QHHT is Dolores Canon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniques which I must say is on my immediate radar. Maybe not immediate, I have another class I need to finish first but it’s definitely something that if it’s meant to be the stars will align and it will be put on my path. Then again every time I think I have something figured out, enter stage left with Spirit taking me in another direction so time will tell. I will leave you with two quotes I felt the need to write down.

“Love is the only protection you ever need”

“What you think is crazy is where my normal starts”


Got my Team Light hat and ran into David Palmer, The Leo King, local boy from HB and intuitive astrologer

Love and Light