DisclosureFest Day 3

Third and final day of lectures, phew it was a lot, talk about system overload. I haven’t had time to even try and process it all not to mention I haven’t seen daylight in three days or had any form of exercise other than taking the stairs in place of the escalator. I’m sad to say goodbye but ready to head home all in the same breath. What a magical weekend though, truly grateful I was able to be a part of it and thankful for the opportunity to heal some more, grow some more and love some more.

My morning started with Tracey Garbutt Dolan lecturing about remote viewing, dreams and the mysteries of our minds. She opened with, are we the quantum computers we’re looking for? She spoke about remote viewing and precognition, ET cognitive manipulation and unexplored holodecks and stargates. She also talked about dreams (my favorite), lucidity levels, brain waves, psychological sovereignty and ended with an awesome quote.

“Know thyself, the key is inside us”

I know dreams have something to do with my journey as I’m slowly putting the pieces of the puzzle together. One of the first sign language cards I pulled in the very beginning, I had just settled into my car when I started pulling cards. It’s funny because I had no idea I was going to actually be working with other types of cards for real a year and a half later but here I am. Anyway, one of the first sign language cards I pulled was “fall asleep” and while it didn’t make sense to me then, it makes sense to me now, especially after listening to this presentation.

From there I went to listen to Laura Eisenhower (great granddaughter to Dwight Eisenhower) speak about restoring the divine template. Man, talk about system overload, holy smokes this woman spoke fast and had a boat load of information and it’s a good thing I audio recorded it because I most definitely need to listen to it again. She talked about aliens, spiritual sovereignty (another fun word to type), elementals of the grid and DNA proteins, NAA (negative alien agenda), spiritual harassment and so much more. She also talked about how we all need more patience, understanding and compassion with one another, you’re either here for unity consciousness or it’s all about you. She also mentioned how we can never know intellectually that we are all creators, I found that interesting.

The tree of life. I actually bought a notebook in San Diego with this tree of life on it months ago

Next was energy healing with husband and wife Philip and Cru Von Holtzendorff-Fehling. Apparently Cru was born with the ability to see auras and energy fields, what a gift, and she’s been healing people all her life. She went around the room, I don’t even know how many people attended this lecture, I was in the front and didn’t pay much attention, but it took the entire hour for her to go around the room and personally touch every single one of us. I can tell you that when she touched me, my eyes were closed as they had put us in a meditative state, she literally put her hand, I think it was three fingers, on my heart space on my chest and then put my hand on my heart with hers on top of it. You bet the flood gates opened as tears streamed down my face like little waterfalls and I don’t even know why exactly.

I saw her place her head against another ladies head, and after seeing her with another woman in the front row later on, and seeing that she touched the ladies ankles, I knew in that moment it was my heart that needed healing, which makes sense. My heart’s been through the trenches, especially the last four years, but that’s okay, it’s all part of my journey and necessary for my evolution. It was very personal and very intimate and quite powerful. I’m extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to receive such a blessing, thank you.

I ended with Ismael Perez’s Cosmic and Galactic History. I don’t generally use emojis however the mind blown one would be so appropriate right now. I was proud of myself for knowing some of the content in his presentation but I don’t think the world is ready for everything he had to say. In fact, there’s no way the world is ready for everything this man has to say. He spoke about unisy, levels of existence, population on systems, positive and negative galactic communities and so much more. The Q & A at the end left me speechless, and it’s tough to render me speechless. Topics such as the entrapment and Sophia, topics I’m not even gonna touch because I’m no where near qualified, but damn, craziness.

He did say something there at the very end that I knew was my guides speaking directly to me through him, he said you have to be diligent when it comes to your spiritual expansion. Not that I didn’t already know that but I one hundred percent needed to hear it. Every single lecture had some little nugget hidden within it that was meant just for me. While the whole weekend was life changing, or enhancing rather, there were definitely a few presentations that literally changed my perspectives and my life.

Made it to Club Velvet this evening, thanks for the confirmation it’s not my scene lol. If they were playing Alan Walker or some 90’s hip hop it would’ve been a different story but I guess I’m finally fulfilling my brothers nickname prophecy for me…nerd. I’d much rather be back in my room enjoying the silence of studying.

I did manage to leave the hotel once last night to run to Whole Foods because I ran out of spinach and Spirit didn’t hesitate to let me know they were thinking about me as my angel numbers were coming in loud and clear. It’s pretty cool when I receive a synchronistic text confirming all the numbers I just saw within a thirty minute time frame. What a great experience though, learned a lot, made new friends and I’m definitely leaving better than I came. Thank you Spirit for everything. Super grateful, always thankful.

Love and Light