Divine Order

I received three more crowns today and I’m pleased to announce that that’s the last of ’em. I have one more root canal and I’m done. What a ride, I have had a complete overhaul done to my mouth and there’s no doubt in my mind my mother is watching over all of it making sure it gets done. Extremely grateful for all the work thus far, another gift-y-poo from God and the universe for a job well done, especially considering I haven’t paid a dime for it. Well that’s not completely true. I did replace my partial because my other one mysteriously vanished into thin air. Before I get to that story, let me share my experience right quick with two weeks ago when I was prepped for my crowns.

My first clue should’ve been Lydia (friend from church and the office manager) asking me if I needed to use the restroom or if I wanted a glass of water. I walked into the office la la la la la unaware of all the work that was about to be done on my teeth. Mind you I’m no stranger to root canals or crowns as I’ve had, I don’t even know, I’ve lost count but I guess I had my head in the clouds because I was there for a hot minute. This is how rad Spirit is though. Right as I’m about to take three syringes to the gums an Alicia Key’s song came on and while I’m familiar with the song the only thing I heard clear as day in that moment, it was as if time stood still and that was the only thing happening in the ether, I heard…

I don’t worry cause everything’s gonna be alright

The rest of the song played however it was only those specific words that I was able to hear. It get’s better. He’s about to finish up almost two hours later but I guess my gums were bleeding more than usual and I don’t know what exactly he did to fix it but it sure didn’t tickle and I kid you not in those exact moments I had another song experience. A Christina Perri song was playing and the only lyric I heard that time was…

One step closer

The way I see it, everything is in divine order and having my teeth prepped for crowns was and is one step closer to me being where I need to be. Getting all my dental work done is another huge leap forward on my path, I’m still in preparation mode that’s lasted about two years and that’s okay. Everything is happening in divine order. There’s no doubt in my mind I landed in Huntington Beach with every intention of Spirit breaking me down so to speak just so they could build me back up and start molding me into the magnificent being I was meant and sent here to be. Those two moments with those two songs brought me so much comfort. It also solidifies what I already knew and know and that’s that I am never alone. Those moments were priceless and it brings me joy to be able to share them with you because I didn’t share it with anyone in the office at the time. In fact I haven’t shared any of this with anyone.


My dentist is awesome though, words cannot describe how wonderful he has been and how awesome my teeth are. We all got a good laugh, Rosie his amazing assistant, the doc (as I call him) and I when I said I was making him work hard and he replied with, “nothing new.” It’s no accident I found my way into his office, not even a little. Dr. Ayoub in Huntington Beach, he’s Lebanese, and believe it or not I actually babysat for him before he was my dentist. While I was living in my car he needed a babysitter just for the day so through word of mouth from church people, that’s what I did. With no income at the time I remember that check for $150 was like hitting the lottery lol. I was so excited, another gift-y-poo.

I was even offered a job after the fact towards the end of my days at the group home. I tried it out for a couple days but something told me it wasn’t for me. I thought about it hard too because I wanted more than anything to move on from the group home. In retrospect it was a big lesson in learning to trust my intuition because as much as I wanted it, I turned it down, it just didn’t feel right. That gut feeling is another key to the universe. Two weeks later I was hired on at the pier.

Our intuition is a God-given superpower.

I think it was in April when I briefly wrote about something happening that devastated me but I wasn’t ready to write about it. Fast forward a month and then rewind a couple because I’ve had my new and improved partial for a while now but one evening at work my partial disappeared. I’ve said before that Spirit won’t hesitate to take something away only to replace it with something better. That goes for anything too be it people, relationships, jobs, my bike falling apart, you name it. Sometimes the universe with taketh away because, even though you don’t see it yet, there’s something better on the horizon. It’s almost impossible to see in the moments but with a little time everything eventually comes into focus and my partial was no exception.

I didn’t particularly care for my initial partial for a number of reasons but it was free so I wasn’t about to complain. In fact, that partial magically showed up just in time for my reunion, I mean down to the day before. It blew my mind because my dentist didn’t think it would be back in time but my mother I’m sure thought otherwise because sure as shit it showed up just in time. I almost forgot about that, it was miraculous to say the least. Anyway that night at work I had taken it out to eat like I often did because it was uncomfortable, I put it in my hoody pouch like I often did and when I went back for it after I was done eating…poof it was gone.

My heart sank as I looked everywhere to no avail. How could it just vanish? I was every emotion under the sun and the only thing I was sure of was that it was gone. Again in retrospect I guess if a whipper snapper can magically appear out of nowhere then so too could a partial disappear into thin air. Needless to say I was speechless. A couple days later I went to Lydia with my tail between my legs, I didn’t tell her it just disappeared, I told her the wind took it into God’s country. Long story short she ordered me a new one. She ordered me a different style (because I didn’t like the other one) but this time I paid outta pocket which was fine because thank God for payment plans and wouldn’t you know it, it came out ten times better than the previous one and it was well worth every penny spent.

I’m telling ya, Spirit works in the most miraculous, sometimes almost unbelievable ways. It’s moments like all of the above that keep me going no matter what the circumstances. We spend too much time worrying when we really just need to trust and believe and then with the right attitude know that everything will work itself out for the best. That’s been my experiences so far anyway, and I wouldn’t change any of them for the world. Ha ha, now that I think about it right this second, all these experiences are happening so that I can help to change the world. That’s pretty effing cool.

A peek into my wonderful world of being in the know…


Listening to this brought tears to my eyes and is confirmation, for me, that everything good that is happening in my life now is 100% gifts for a job well done. The Light has won so keep the faith.

Here’s another one…


Thank you Spirit. Super grateful, always thankful!

Pics from this afternoon.


Love and Light