DNA Activations Explained

This is cool stuff.

Any symbol, image, number, hieroglyphic, music or sound that someone feels drawn to, i.e. dragons, angels, Egypt, are things recognized by the innate intelligence which is also known as the smart body. It’s an awareness within each of our DNA where the memory is transferred through frequency as light and sits in simultaneous placement through what we call quantum entanglement. Keep in mind everything is happening all at the same time (past, present, future), it’s difficult for us to understand because we are living in the 3rd density where time is linear and exists only here on earth.

So basically when we’re drawn to something, one example for me is the tree of life, it’s because our innate intelligence knows exactly what it is. The DNA recognizes it because it’s part of a language, a light language somewhat beyond our human brain comprehension. We see it and the DNA responds in a number of different ways. When we see a picture of a dragon let’s say, our DNA recognizes it and communicates with that symbol immediately and at the same time if that makes sense. If it doesn’t that’s because it’s happening in quantum entanglement lol. When we see the the symbol, the DNA activates and there you have DNA activations.

That’s pretty cool and explains a lot cause I’ve gotta tell ya, it’s something I’ve often wondered about however never bothered to ask. I just take it for what it’s worth when I hear my DNA’s being activated and trust that that’s what’s happening but I never really gave it much thought as to how. DNA is more than just the building blocks of life, from what I understand DNA is found everywhere in every universe and in everything. So the next question is when you see that dragon symbol, dragons will then be brought into your reality or does it mean that when we see a dragon symbol our DNA is being activated? Short answer is both, simultaneously or at the same time.

This recognition/activation sits in the morphogenetic memory field coiled within the DNA of every incarnated human soul. It’s a unified field of electromagnetic plasma frequency that holds the memory imprints (thought structures) of all that’s ever happened in all quantum realities and of all timelines which is known to many as the Akashic records. Fun fact about the Akashic records, from what I also understand the Akashic records only pertain to lifetimes here on planet Earth. This cosmic light language is coiled within our DNA and every soul reacts to it differently depending on their own soul trajectory and experiences through their individualized journey along with ancestral coding within their DNA.

The symbols are memories of times gone by as in alternate realities or future times yet to come. In other words the symbols we’re drawn to such as dragons are recognized because they’re real, they did exist in our world before we entered into this particular incarnation. They did exist in times gone by and/or in future times yet to be experienced. Another fun fact, this time about dragons. You don’t even have to ask if I believe in ’em, but many question their existence for the simple fact that we haven’t found any fossils or remains and that’s because their bones were hollow and not hollow with air but rather with lighter than air gases. That’s one theory anyway. Then there’s always one of my favorite go-to’s when something can’t be explained and that of course is magic.

There’s a few things I’ve been drawn to without really understanding why, angels being the obvious. The tattoos I have on each wrist would be another, the second I saw them I was drawn to them. Apparently they’re angel symbols for sacred unity and patience which are two things that have to do with my journey. Patience is probably one of the biggest things I needed to learn while sacred unity most likely has yet to come to fruition because sacred unity could stand for a few things. Monks singing is another one. Something inside me happens every time I hear monks singing, it almost brings me to my knees and definitely stops me in my tracks. Clearly these all pertain to me personally in some special way and that part I don’t even need to know the details really, not yet anyway. Thank you for the clarification I didn’t even have to ask for and thank you for all my signs and synchronicities today running my errands.

Love and Light