DNA Awakening & Hupomone in Ensanada Mexico

In the days, weeks, months and years ahead we can expect to see significant changes occurring on earth. These changes may bring about a sense of unease or uncertainty but they also offer opportunities for growth and transformation. We are standing at the threshold of the future, it’s clear that significant changes are on the horizon. From politics to the economy and even the media, the world as we know it is undergoing a transformation. The wheels are in motion.

The world seems to spin out of control with chaos and confusion at the forefront, many may find themselves questioning whether we are truly witnessing the end times. But the truth is what we are witnessing is not an end but rather a beginning. The old structures and paradigms that once held our society chained are crumbling, and with them, they are creating an opening for something new to emerge.

It may be easy to get caught up in fear and uncertainty of the present moment, but we must remember that every ending is simply the start of a new beginning. The signs of change are all around us and they are not to be feared but embraced. The cracks in the system that once seemed unbreakable are now becoming visible and with them comes the opportunity to rebuild something stronger and more resilient.

The key to unlocking the new reality lies within our DNA. As we work on raising our frequency our DNA begins to unlock revealing new levels of consciousness and expanded awareness. This process leads us to the discovery of our soul self, the 5D version of ourselves existing in a higher plane of existence. This transformation is not simply a mental or intellectual process but a deepening of our inner being. As we unlock new levels of consciousness we become more attuned to the frequency of the higher dimensions and our physical body undergoes a profound transformation.

Our DNA is like a blueprint for our entire being, containing the genetic information that determines our physical, emotional and spiritual makeup. As we work on raising our frequency, we activate dormant strands of DNA, unlocking new levels of potential within ourselves. This process of unlocking our DNA is not something that can be forced or rushed. It requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to let go of old patterns and belief systems that no longer serve us. As we move through this process we may encounter challenges and obstacles but with perseverance and faith we can overcome them and continue on our path towards higher consciousness. We are witnessing the birth pains of a new reality, one that is built on the foundations of love, compassion and unity. It may be a painful process but it is necessary if we are to evolve as a society and as a species.

The shift to the 5D is not some far off event that will occur sometime in the future. It is happening now, in this very moment, all around us. And the most tangible evidence of the shift can be found within ourselves and our personal growth and the changes we are making in our lives. As we move towards the 5th Dimension we are undergoing a profound transformation, both individually and collectively. The old structures and paradigms and patterns of behavior that once held us back are breaking down, and we are being called to embrace a new way of being. The shift is not an external event that will happen to us, but an internal process of growth and evolution. It requires us to take responsibility for our own transformation, to be willing to let go of old beliefs and patterns of behavior that no longer serve us, and to embrace a new reality based on love, compassion, and interconnectedness.

Accessing 5D requires a shift in consciousness, one that is centered in the heart. The heart center is the location of the Light Matrix of the Soul, were sovereignty, discernment, intuition, wisdom, and gifts and talents are accessed. It is through this heart center that we can merge with our divine blueprint and begin to embody our true nature as spiritual beings. As the cycles of the old frequency on earth comes to an end we are seeing a massive shift in the energies around us. These old energies are leaving the world, making room for higher light to anchor itself in the physical.

This shift is not just a theoretical concept, but a tangible reality that we can see. We are witnessing many events transpire, both globally and personally, that are indicative of this shift. It is a time of great change and as we move through it we are being called to embrace a new way of living. The old ways of living and being that were based on fear, competition, and separation are being replaced by a new paradigm based on love, cooperation, and interconnectedness.

As we embrace this new reality, we open ourselves up to the infinite potential and possibilities that exist within us and around us. The time has come for the light and life to thrive on earth in the way it was originally intended. We are being called to let go of the old patterns and beliefs that have held us back and to embrace a new way of being that is based on love and unity. We must confront the truth of our situation and take responsibility for our role in creating it. We must be willing to let go of the illusions that have kept us bound and blinded and embrace a new reality based on honesty, integrity, and authenticity.

The road ahead may be long and difficult, but it is a journey that we must take for on the other side of this decomposition lies a new world, one that is built on a foundation of love and compassion, a world where the puppets of the dark no longer hold sway. The universe operates on the principle of balance, and wherever there is an imbalance of energy, there will be transformation occurring. This fundamental law applies to all aspects of life from the personal to the global. Whether it is within the family dynamic, the workplace, educational systems, belief systems, financial and economic structures, or the political arena, all of these areas are subject to the same universal laws.

As we move into higher dimensions of existence, these aspects of life are destined to shift into higher energetical versions. This transformation will be gradual with small changes taking place over time. For others, it will be a more dramatic process, involving the destruction of old structures and the rebuilding of something new in their place. In the personal realm we may find ourselves letting go of old beliefs and patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. We may need to confront aspects of ourselves that we have been avoiding in order to move forward on our path of growth and evolution.

In the global arena, we are already seeing the signs of transformation occurring. The old systems and structures that have been in place for centuries are starting to crumble, as the imbalances and injustices they have perpetuated become more apparent. We are in a time of great upheaval and change and it can be challenging to navigate these shifting energies. But we must remember that this is all part of a larger process of transformation, one that is leading us towards a more balance and harmonious way of being.

The way we honor life on earth, including Mother Earth herself, is a key factor in shifting our consciousness and anchoring higher light into our being. This honoring must come from an inner knowing, a recognition of the sentience of all beings and the interconnectedness of all things. At the core of every soul is a blueprint and innate wisdom of life’s purpose. This purpose is to grow and expand, to give life rather than take it, and to create rather than destroy. However, in a society that is constantly bombarded by unnatural and sadistic ideologies through the media and the opinions of those with a limited consciousness can be easily swayed.

For thousands of years a dark elite group has been working to destroy human life and the planet itself. Their influence is evident in the constant stream of negative messages and fear-based programming that saturates our airwaves. The barrage of negativity can have a detrimental effect on our consciousness, causing us to lose sight of the truth and wisdom that lies within. To break free from this limited mindset, we must reconnect with our inner knowing and recognize the inherent value of all life on earth. We must honor Mother Earth as a sentient being and understand that our actions have a direct impact on her well-being.

As we move through these times of great change and transformation it is important to remember that we are not alone on this journey. We are all co-creators of this new reality, and together, we can create a world that is based on love, joy and abundance. So let us continue to work on raising our frequency, accessing our heart center, and unlocking the full potential of our DNA. Let us embrace the new reality that is emerging and let go of the old patterns and belief systems that no longer serve us. As we do this, we will find ourselves becoming more attuned to the frequency of the higher dimensions and we will begin to embody our soul self, the 5D version of ourselves.

We will see evidence of the shift all around us and the changes we make in our lives and in the world at large. As we move forward on this journey, let us do so with courage, faith, and trust in the process. For on the other side of this transformation lies a new world, one that is filled with infinite potential and possibility. Let us embrace this new reality with open hearts and open minds, and let our light shine as a beacon of hope for all.

Thanks DNA Awakening for all your truth, inspiration and wisdom.

With all that said, I experienced another successful loft build this weekend with Yugo Ministries and Hands of Mercy. So grateful to be a part of these amazing and rewarding weekends truly teaching me what it’s like to work together as a team inspiring and encouraging each other with every obstacle and challenge we face as our builds don’t always go as planned. As we were leaving Saturday morning to do our build, there were three planned, and after a day of rain we departed with an inspirational speech that was almost prophetic. Hupomone was the word for the day.

Hupomone (noun): endurance, steadfast, especially as God enables the believer to “remain (endure) under” the circumstances/challenges He allots in life. This word means patience, endurance and perseverance. It’s a person not swerved from their deliberate purpose and their loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and suffering describing when circumstances are difficult. A strong fortitude in the face of opposition or difficulty.

The day certainly started out challenging with all the mud and the fact that it was still raining in the morning. We went up the wrong road not once but twice and found ourselves faced with so many obstacles and challenges, not to mention 5,000 lbs of lumber pulled by a trailer. Thankfully our driver was skilled not only with pulling a trailer but also with maneuvering 4WD in super slick mud. Not only did he pull it off (twice) but he did so without losing his composure and patience which was magical considering how many people were trying to communicate at once. It was impressive to say the least but I had nothing but the utmost faith.

Our plans completely changed throughout our morning and so did the builds. At the end of the day though we all pulled together like a well oiled machine and handled it all with grace and dedication.

One of the coolest parts of these builds is meeting people from all over both country and state and coming together with a common goal, we are all there to help those in need and do what we can to better the lives of those less fortunate. We are all there to do God’s work and I can’t think of anything more rewarding, for me anyway. And for that I say thank you.

I swear though, for every pound I lose I go to Mexico and gain five, oh man just kidding, don’t wanna put that out into the universe, but that’s okay though because it also fills my spiritual cup and I know I can’t pour from an empty one. I never really understood what that meant until this point in my journey. Being surrounded by people who have joy in their hearts and positivity in their energetic field makes all the difference in the world and fills my spiritual cup to the brim. It was also a lesson in flexibility and the ability to adapt as our plans changed from one moment to the next.

There was also a personal lesson for me in how practicing something truly makes you better at it. Hernan, one of the members of Hugo Ministries was blown away at how well I could swing a hammer after only three trips, so well he invited me to move there so I could continue my journey building houses. I think he was half joking but it was definitely an a-ha moment for me and a reminder that practice does make perfect and how I have to be gentle with myself when it comes to my own spiritual practices as they take time and commitment and repetition.

If you’ve ever wondered what it means to release an old belief system that no longer serves you, here’s a prime example…  growing up when someone would say “practice makes perfect” I would respond with, well nobody’s perfect so why practice. What a crappy belief system lol not to mention attitude. So I’m proud that I can say with confidence that I have released that belief system because it no longer serves me. Now I am a firm believer that practice, well it may not be perfect but definitely better.


Hupomone certainly rang true this past Saturday and I think it rings true now when it comes to our personal lives and our society during these uncertain times. It’s of the utmost importance to remain positive, stay focused on the bigger picture while persevering with resilience and having the faith and knowing that God has a plan and is truly in charge. The Light will prevail, I promise you that.

And of course my trip wouldn’t be complete without some angel intervention with my numbers and pictures lol. While I was journaling Saturday evening this light made it crystal clear my brigade was with me as it kept turning off and on. The picture with green… sometimes I don’t ask questions, I simply say thank you.

I’m not a big fan of Amazon so I don’t mean to give them any publicity however when I was researching the meaning of hupomone I couldn’t help but stumble across this and how it completely explains how I feel about my journey. Let’s not lose sight of synchronicity at its finest as the date April 13th is also the day I incarnated for this challenging yet incredible journey of a lifetime. I love it and for that I say thank you.

Love and Light