
By definition dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring subconsciously in the mind during REM sleep.

While there’s no ending and no beginning each dream contains a message coded with metaphors, images and symbols where you can find hidden meanings which can get you excited and leave you confused all at the same time.

Last night I had a dream I was staying in a hotel with Dennis Darden and our room had paranormal activity and long story short and from what I can remember it turns out it was one of my spirit guides. My cousin Nathan showed up in my dream last night to tell me that it was him trying to get my attention. How awesome is that? Pretty effing awesome in my book considering he really is one of my spirit guides and he committed suicide over a decade ago.

He was also the first to show up in my reading with Kim Moore. How did I know that it was him, because she described him perfectly, showing up with a big heart around me and was full of love and she just kept saying that there was a big heart around me. He and my mom were playing a tug-of-war if you will on who was going to communicate with me more throughout the reading. And while she didn’t say it was suicide she did say that he died suddenly and he was supposed to still be here.

I just got goosebumps all over my body as I type this memory of that reading and for me every time I get goosebumps it means I’m speaking truth or spirit is speaking to me. As far as the heart goes you have to understand Nathan was the most affectionate, loving, giving, amazing human and so much like my mother. He too was the epitome of what our souls should be.

In reference to the meaning of dreams Dennis shows up in my dreams more often than I would like to admit LOL not quite sure what it means, definitely confusing. Kinda. It could also simply be that we have unfinished business because at the very least I owe him an apology not to mention further explanations but I’m pretty sure he blocked me on Facebook twenty years ago LOL so yeah there’s that.

Dana Tomson’s also showed up in my second dream. I’m up at 6:30am every morning without fail but today I was like it’s Saturday and a good day to sleep in so that’s exactly what I did. She too is one of my spirit guides. Just to be clear spirit guides can very well be passed on loved ones and not to be mistaken with angels. Angels were created by God to help us in every aspect of our life. With that said my mother is also a spirit guide not to mention leader of the pack.

Dreams are pretty cool, if you’re not haunted by night terrors or things of that nature. I keep a dream journal and write down every dream that I have for the most part and then interpret what I can to the best of my ability with the help of an app. They can be a great tool in helping navigate one’s journey.

At our very core though we are all pure consciousness and divine beings on a mission to manifest ourselves. We are all connected and we all need to unleash our personal power by practicing love for all living beings and doing it fearlessly. Let’s not forget Mother Earth is also a living being.

Remember today, with everyday, is the only day that matters because we have the opportunity to take advantage of it right now. Today is the only day you have to decide what you’ll do to give your life meaning and purpose. Because there is no do-overs in life it’s critical to make the most of the hours, minutes and seconds we have. Whatever is most important to us whether it be wealth, happiness, raising our consciousness, or saving the world we need to take the steps necessary to achieve our goals.

Consider this a subliminal step for me.

Now I’m off to the beach because I have a date with our Creator, my spirit guides, a fire pit and the full moon in Libra.

Love and Light.