Dreams & Emotions

Woke up this morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with the intention of moving forward focusing on what needs my attention. Bouncing back is one of my innate Aries attributes, along with starting fresh and keeping things simple. In the midst of my recovery I asked with all sincerity how I can get closer to Source, to our Creator whom I call God. My answers arrived and they are quite simple really; spend more time in nature, be still and quiet the mind so I can hear what needs to be heard and love thyself. After sitting with that I also concluded it’s time to return to innocence, return to the sacred unity of oneness that’s readily available for me and is at my fingertips. Dive into the unknown and immerse myself with all that is new. It’s 2:22 as I proof read this.

With that said it’s like my signs have been in overdrive this past week which makes sense because Spirit I’m sure wants to make sure I’m good and letting me know that they truly are there for me, which is never a doubt but it’s always nice to know and have. I keep seeing the angel number 111 which is now my personal sign for my mom ever since seeing the combo on the license plate however long ago. It’s amazing because the number shows up like magic(k). I was riding my bike the other day, I like to either think about life when I’m riding my bike or not think at all. But I kid you not, that number magically showed up every single time I was thinking about my mom or thinking about a situation that could really use a mothers influence. It’s so inspirational and if I wasn’t on my bike it would’ve brought me to my knees more than once.

Another day I was sitting at a light and I don’t recall exactly what I was thinking about but I can tell you I was feeling a little melancholy when a white butterfly flew directly in front of the windshield. It made me cry. In case you didn’t know, white butterflies represent passed on loved ones. I love it when I’m blessed with seeing two together which is often. Of course I’m hearing songs galore. My angel numbers may as well be on steroids. 144 and 44 are literally everywhere. From what I understand, 44 stands for the new master number of Master Healer and according to Kryon it represents peace on Earth, both which resonate with me and my journey.

I know a big part of my journey is about mastering my emotions which I think I’m getting pretty good at, as long as there’s no alcohol involved lol. In addition to that, I’m learning to program my mind not to spend too much time worrying about what others think. I’m different than most when it comes to where I’m at in life, and I need to be okay with that. And I am for the most part, some days are easier than others of course. Not only am I training my mind to find the positive in every situation but I’m also training my mind not to focus and worry about the past or the future. I need to be focusing on the almighty present moment because that’s where all the growth takes place and that’s where the miracles happen.

I had a revelation this morning too lying in bed. For whatever reason Spirit’s got me inadvertently studying human behavior. It really was a lightbulb and I was like wow, that explains a lot as far my different jobs and being surrounded by all walks of life. I’ve always had a knack for reading people but for whatever reason I’m now ten times better at it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s a blessing and a curse but it’s also a gift and for that I say thank you. I have no idea why yet but it’s cool, I just go with it. I’m not sure about a lot when it comes to my journey, as far as where I’m headed exactly and where I’ll end up, or what I’ll be doing. I walk each and every day with blind faith and trusting in the unknown. I have my hiccups of course but what I do know is that I have to keep showing up and I have to keep going.

My dreams the past few nights have been pretty awesome. For those that don’t know, I’m a big fan of dream interpretation. I can tell you I’ve been doing a lot of healing in my dreams lately. A couple nights ago I dreamt about three peacocks in a swimming pool. Not only do I document my dreams as soon as I wake up or recall them to the best of my ability but I also have a dream interpretation app on my tablet that I like to reference some of the symbols in my dreams. I’m not as consistent with looking up the symbols as I should be but it is something I plan to focus more on.

Peacock: to see a peacock in your dream indicates a growth of understanding, and like the phoenix, it represents rebirth and understanding. It also represents spring, birth, new growth, longevity and love. A good omen signaling prestige, success and contentment in relationships and career. Alternatively it also represents pride, confidence and vanity.

Pool: a pool can have the same connotations as a doorway, an entry into the unconscious and our deepest emotions. Seeing a pool also indicates the need to understand and deal with your emotions and the possible need to dive right in it. It could also indicate your need to cleanse and wash away the past.

It goes on to say that in order to understand ourselves better we may need to explore ourselves by totally immersing ourselves in that pool and become more involved with our emotions. How do we do that? Not sure really, I’ll give you a full report when I figure it out lol. I think I’m doing okay in general when it comes to my emotions but these past few weeks have been a little bumpy and clearly my subconscious mind is working overtime while I sleep to help in my healing process as it always does. Last night I dreamt I was in the Philippines in a boat surrounded by nothing but clear blue water and bridges. In tarot, water represents emotions but it’s also symbolizes the flow of life force itself.

Water: it can symbolize spiritual rebirth. Water symbolizes our emotions under all sorts of different circumstances so images associated with it are very evocative. Water is usually taken in dreams to symbolize all that is emotional and feminine. It can also stand for our potential and our ability to create a new life for ourselves in response to our own inner urgings. It also represents cleansing, being able to wash away the contamination that we may experience in everyday life. 

Boat: to dream that you are in a boat signifies your ability to cope with and express your emotions according to the condition of the water whether it be calm or violent, clear or murky, etc. Alternatively, you may be ready to confront your unconscious and unknown aspects of yourself. 

Bridge: one of the most common images in dreams, indicates crossing from one state of being to another, spanning the River of Life. It also symbolizes the emotional connection between us and other people or other aspects of life. It almost invariably indicates the crossing from one phase of life to another, perhaps a right of passage. 

Everything happens for a reason.

All for purpose.

All for growth.

So much gratitude.

Love and Light