I wondered if Dunsmuir train station in Dunsmuir, California was the first train station ever built (1887) because for me it was literally a bench. Well me and the maybe seven other travelers catching it in this tiny little town at 12:45 in the morning. I’ll tell you what though, this train station was more lit up just past midnight then it was during the day when we did a drive by just to make sure we knew where we were going.
What a blessing this road trip was with all its challenges and adventures and wonderful mother nature real estate, it gave me that much more respect for the beauty and vastness and diversity of it all. I’m extremely grateful to have had this opportunity to grow some more as not just a human but a spiritual being as well.
I don’t recall exactly when I had this moment but I do remember recalling why I had bought a sweatshirt however long ago. I bought it from a vendor at the Artisan Fair that happens often during the summertime on the pier in Huntington Beach. I was initially attracted to the GOD IS GOOD sweatshirts but once there another one jumped out and spoke to me. I didn’t quite grasp the concept at the time but it was also one of those, for me anyway, I bought it because it just felt right. The sweatshirt I went home with read…
not because I have to but because I love you
I remember being in the van maneuvering this that and the other, somewhere in the middle of our trip, when it popped into my mind and it was in that moment that it all made sense. This trip was about service to others at the end of the day and that phrase not only solidified just that but it also allowed me to realize then why I had purchased it way back when. It was a beautiful moment and it was even more beautiful sharing it with Amber.
Speaking of beautiful moments with Amber, this is how we chose to spend three hours passing time at Black Bear Diner. Turns out coffee was a bad idea but that’s alright, and I’m telling ya we are connected more than most. At one point we had the same score. I love how our first round I had all the angel numbers while she had the suits. It was fun though, much better than burying our faces in our phones that’s for sure.
It was our saving grace, we played cards from 7 o’clock till closing at 10pm and then chilled in the train station parking lot until my train arrived. This was one train I couldn’t miss with her hubby Joe flying in the following day to take her home. I wasn’t worried though, I don’t miss my trains, metaphoric or otherwise. It was approximately 23 hours riding from Dunsmuir to Santa Ana.
This is exactly why I like taking the train…
Apparently my train was number 8444 and sadly Amber tells me that that was the last angel number she saw. Since our trip she has only seen 11:11 once on the clock. 1111 stands for illumination, not once but twice, but you have to put the work in, or at the very least make a sincere intention. Make no mistake seeing 1111 whether it’s on the clock or anywhere else, that’s an invitation. And when you do respond, the doors will open and your illumination will begin.

Love and Light