Earth Angels

Earth Angels are spiritual beings born into physical form and into the physical world at this point in time in order to serve humanity and Mother Earth assisting all souls during The Awakening and Ascension process. They’re here to help anchor the timeline of peace, love and light to the earth and humanity to the Golden Age of co-creation.

They can be defined as evolved spiritual beings who have connections and incarnations in higher dimensional realities and in many cases they are 7th and 9th angelics incarnated in physical form. Earth Angels came programmed with a wake-up call and were born with a time to awaken (age 45, thanks mom). They’ve spent a great deal of time in the higher spiritual dimensions of love and light and they have an overarching intention to bring peace, light and love to earth, humanity and all beings.

Earth Angels are highly spiritual and their evolved souls vibrate with an incredible light. They have been called to earth on a mission to serve as Lightworkers. Being an Earth Angel doesn’t mean you’re by any means perfect or an angel, like all humanity they make mistakes, experience challenges and often times feel disconnected.

They’ve been called at the soul level to help others spread kindness, show compassion and make a difference on earth by bringing the light and the love of the higher spiritual realms into physical reality. They have a grace that inspires others, lifting people’s energy and spirit without much effort and tend to accept others unconditionally.

Nothing I didn’t already know but it’s always awesome when you receive confirmation. So for this I say thank you. Here are some telltale signs you are indeed an Earth Angel….

* You care deeply about others… you are highly empathetic and willing to always help others no matter what for you yourself have suffered and want to prove solace to anyone who needs it because we’re living in uncertainty almost constantly. The goal is to make positive change living in the now by relating to others struggles through your own experience and hardships.

* You feel called for a specific purpose in life… you don’t relate to worldly desires or a structured path and don’t like the programmed conditioned society we live in. You march to the beat of your own drum and rarely follow in other people’s footsteps. You certainly don’t like people telling you what to do (LMAO…nope). You feel called to do something more than what people consider normal and have a strong pull towards humanitarianism. You are a Healer.

* You reject most modern ideals… most Lightworkers can’t understand the world today and wonder why would anybody work a job they hate to afford materialistic things they don’t necessarily need? You wonder why people continue to abuse Mother Gaia and wonder why we consume so much and give so little while questioning war and all the injustice in the world.

*You have a strong intuition… you don’t lead life through the lens of logic, instead you feel more deeply than others and don’t really resonate with today’s right brain society. You learn to trust your inner voice telling you what to do as the messages you receive come straight from the Divine. You trust the Universe to bring positive things and positive people into your life. You frequently call upon your Angels and Spirit Guides for assistance and follow a spiritual practice. (Amen)

*You love your alone time… as a Lightworker you love spending time in solitude in order to recharge and rebalance your energies. You can be easily overwhelmed by the world today and need time alone to heal and prepare yourself for the next encounter with the outside world. You enjoy digging deep into your psyche and healing the parts of you that are broken. You know in order to change the world you must first change yourself so you work tirelessly becoming the best version of you.

*You’re highly sensitive… you know saving the planet comes at a hefty cost and you feel overwhelmed by all the problems in the world and wonder if you’re even able to make a difference causing endless frustrations because you’re so desperate for change. You’re highly sensitive to violence, hatred, anything negative really, especially by social media and news outlets.

*You’re very nurturing and creative…nurturing comes natural to Earth Angels. You also have high creative energy which you use to broadcast your intentions to the world. Many are artists using their gifts to make the world a better place. You’re passionate about justice. You’re always raising vibrations. And you’re more immune to aging than most (SWEEEET! LOL). You’re aware that we can’t live in a state of separation or isolation from one another and know we absolutely need each other to survive. You never give up hope that we as the collective can come together and rejoice in our truths and our God given right to love with freedom and abundance while focusing on spreading ancient wisdom in that same hope to awaken all through connectedness.

We are all connected.

We all come from Source.

We are all God’s children.

Love and Light