Earth Angels

It’s amazing really. Two posts ago I inadvertently asked why my life has been so difficult as I wondered how I could possibly have the honor and privilege of being an Earth Angel. Today, Spirit answered that indirect question in the form of another video. The Enigma of Earth Angels by Alchemy of the Soul.

Their origins are steeped in biblical law intertwined with the tale of the first fruits and the 144,000 children of Israel. Inside the sacred scripture of the Book of Jeremiah a prophecy speaks of them as the first fruits of His harvest, the chosen ones.

It’s believed that these Earth Angels are the living embodiment of this prophecy, reincarnations of those souls born anew in a world that struggles to understand them. These individuals possess a distinct set of characteristics setting them apart from the rest…

  1. Deeply empathic…capable of sensing and understanding the emotions of those around them with an intensity that most would find overwhelming.
  2. Spiritual sight…the ability to see beyond the masks and pretenses that people wear. They see the truth of a person, seeing right through their facade, this truth often uncomfortable for those being observed can lead to further ostracization of the Earth Angel.
  3. Don’t follow the crowd…they walk to the beat of their own drum, often in direct opposition to the norms of society, a sense of disconnection from the hive mind so many fall into. This refusal to conform makes them stand out, makes them targets but highlights their strength and individuality.
  4. Ancient wisdom and divine purpose…they are carriers of old souls and ancient DNA.

In their solitude they find strength, in their uniqueness they find purpose and in their adversity they find their true selves. These individuals are born with a destiny that transcends the ordinary, born to fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah and usher in a new age. They choose a path less taken and are not easily categorized, they don’t fit neatly into societal boxes or family roles. They are the loners often misunderstood even in their own circles.

This path they walk is not without hardships. They face struggles that would break the spirits of most. They’re relentlessly pursued by dark Forces aiming to suppress their gifts, to thwart their mission. They’re often mocked, ostracized and abused in unimaginable ways. Their trials are not punishments but rather part of a purification process designed to perfect their Christ-like nature and to awaken their gifts and strengthen their discernment. Their lives are a series of painful lessons learned from perspectives most ordinary people cannot fathom. These trials are put in place to strengthen them and prepare them for their appointed mission.

Earth Angels are on a path of Awakening, a journey that will lead to the unveiling of their true potential. They are prophesied to play a crucial role in the End Times, the ones destined to usher in an age like no other, an age foretold in scripture, an age of transformation and revelation. They are not alone. They are guided and protected by Divine Forces. These forces unseen yet ever-present are their companions, their mentors, helping them navigate through the storms, guiding their spirits and nurturing their gifts.

Each trial faced, every adversity overcome serves to strengthen their discernment and heighten their spiritual power. Their lives often marked by torment and suffering are in fact a process of purification and redemption. Like gold refined in the fire they’re being perfected. The forces of Darkness may try to suppress them and lead them astray but they stand strong, they resolve unyielding, they’re the warriors of the spiritual realm armed with ancient wisdom and divine gifts. 

They’re being perfected behind the scenes of their daily lives. They’re fighting a battle, a battle between light and darkness, truth and deception. Each day these chosen ones face a relentless barrage of attempts to suppress their Divine Essence, dark Forces strive to drown their Light, to muffle their truth, to steer them off the path they were born to tread. They’re targets of psychological warfare designed to make them question their purpose, to silence their voices, to shut them down and bury their spiritual gifts.

Earth Angels are divinely protected, guided and are being trained by higher Forces. The very trials designed to crush them are used to refine them, to perfect their Christ-like pure hearts. The afflictions are not just tests but the finest training known to mankind preparing them to be the warriors they’re meant to be. They rise time and time again from the ashes of their trials standing stronger, wiser and more resolved, they stand firm and persevere and will not be defeated.


My first reaction to all this…

All joking aside, this video, this message, this confirmation yet again truly gives me the strength and confidence I need to continue. It grants me permission to be patient with my next steps knowing they’re on the way. So much clarification, pretty much putting my whole life into perspective and bringing me that sigh of relief realizing everything did happen for purpose.

It’s making me take another look at scripture as the 144,000 are mentioned three times in three different places in the Bible. What I’m really looking forward to now is another prophetic message from Bill Jeynes, he’ll be at my church this weekend. It will be my third message and I’m extremely eager to hear what he has to say this time. The first one more or less told me to hang in there and do that which is biblical. The second pretty much said that I would eventually be more appreciated so yeah can’t wait to hear what he’s got now lol.

This Earth Angel confirmation explains so much. It explains most of the struggles in my life especially these past few years with my dad and my brother and living in my car, and the feeling of isolation I still feel to this day. While I do find solace in my solitude, I still long for my divine counterpart who I’m patiently waiting for and I yearn for people in my life who do understand me and want the same things I do as far as where we’re headed with this new era, this new age, our New Earth.

I love my confirmations though, thank you Spirit. Thank you thank you thank you. I guess it’s fair to say it’s all part of my training and of course how they continuously guide me. Last night I was guided to watch a movie as it popped up in my feed.


Great movie. Guess I’m one of those too. Divergent just might be code for Earth Angel.

Another confirmation is my screen saver on my phone and how similar it is to a picture from the video I just summarized. I didn’t know why I used this as my screen saver but I chose this picture and I’ve had it on my phone for as long as I can remember. Cool stuff. It’s the little things that oftentimes make all the difference and give you that little boost of confidence you need to keep going. That’s the only thing I always know for sure on this unpredictable journey of mine, and that’s that I just have to keep going.

Love and Light