Egypt & Esoteric

Food for thought is important because it should get your gears grinding with a desire to ask questions and desire to learn more. I’m naturally curious with a drive for justice and equality not to mention a passion and love for humanity and the healing we all so desperately need to move forward in these unprecedented times. Together we can, and we will. Thank you daily Motivation for all your awesome videos that keeps my curiosity flowing.

I love anything esoteric.

By definition esoteric is something intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one with specialized knowledge or interests: synonyms: mysterious, profound, abstruse, scholarly, ambiguous, deep, mystical. I don’t know about you but all those words are a yes please for me. Another part of my awakening is to discover and embrace esotericism on many levels and while I’m just getting started really I couldn’t be more excited. I find it all very fascinating and can’t get enough. The term esoteric was coined in the 17th century and derives from the Greek word “inner” sharing common features with heretical Christian theology like the “alleged” oral tradition from the Twelve Apostles containing esoteric teachings of Jesus Christ.

Esoteric is also related to Gnosticism, a collection of religious ideas and systems emphasizing personal spiritual knowledge above the teachings and traditions of religious institutions. They held the principle element of salvation to be direct knowledge of the hidden divinity within which was obtained through mystical or esoteric insight. In Gnostic Christian tradition, Christ is seen as a divine being (Ascended Master) which has taken human form in order to lead humanity back to recognition of its own divine nature, which is also my belief system. I’m still attending my church though because I’ll tell you what, there’s always a message for me to hear one way or another. Just because I don’t share the same exact belief system as my church doesn’t mean I don’t still want to go and feel the Holy Spirit and praise the all-knowing, all-loving, always forgiving Creator known as Source.

Esoteric Christianity promotes introspection with the goal of attaining the knowledge of Self. Know thyself. It’s turning inward with ones thoughts and toward oneself and away from the external world. Esoteric Christianity also embraces astral projection and reincarnation. Some more yes please for me.

Hermetics is another fun word meaning completely sealed, impervious to outside interferences or influence and is related to the mystical and alchemical writings or teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus which spanned many centuries. He was characterized by mystery and difficulty in understanding subjects that were relating to ancient occult traditions embracing all things alchemy, astrology, esoteric wisdom and theosophy. Hermeticism is about looking at yourself, going within and learning to know thyself and ultimately realizing and knowing that God is in all of us and that our vibrations impact the experience of the world around us.

It’s not the world around us that needs to change…it’s us that need to change.

Love and Light