Emotions, Movies & Palestine Ohio

Let’s be real, not all days are angel numbers, synchronicities and sunshine. I don’t always talk about my “bad days” and that’s probably because they are few and far between but I am having a human experience so they’re inevitable. And yesterday was a prime example. After arriving home from a day at work I couldn’t help but to feel exhausted, frustrated, a little sad and somewhat, not lonely, but alone.

While I know I’m never alone, I have a spirit team dedicated to faithfully guiding me and cheering me on, but sometimes it would be really nice to have someone in physical form who understands and is on my intellectual level when it comes to an awakening and especially with everything that’s evolving and happening in our society today. But let’s be real again, those are few and far between too.

I cried, I did. I was feeling frustrated from coworkers, and another outside situation, and I was feeling alone because I no longer have the motherly love (well I do but I can’t hug her), I don’t have fatherly love, (God doesn’t count in this case), I don’t have brotherly love right now (even though he’s like four blocks away) and I don’t have a partnerly love (as I patiently wait for my divine counterpart). Normally I’m not bothered by all of the above but yesterday I was feeling it.

I’ve thought about switching jobs over the past few days because some of my coworkers can be quite challenging, which yes I get it, that’s a part of life. I’m 47 and I’m well aware of office politics and dynamics. There’s no doubt in my mind I was destined to work at this group home, not only for my healing aspect as I absolutely love special needs but also because it was important for the continuation of mastering my emotions.

It’s frustrating because when I keep hearing how I need to protect my energy and keep my vibration high and all the while I’m surrounded by gossip and other unattractive qualities. I had a lead on another job opportunity but not all are synchronistic signs as it ended up being a dead end, which is fine because I do believe rejection is God’s protection. So it’s whatever.

I’m not a quitter, only of bad habits lol, and later came to the realization (which I really knew all along) that I’m clearly not done learning some lessons so a career change isn’t aligned with my path right now. So what am I going to do to make it different? That’s when I recalled one of the universal laws I just wrote about. The law of free will talks about how we react to situations and specifically about how a master of life enjoys all the warmth and joy that life has to offer but detaches from the negativity by allowing it to flow through them without affecting them which is the best example of so much easier said than done. At least I can now put it into perspective and know that that’s exactly what I’m working towards and I’m not going anywhere until I master it. Son of a bitch lol.

I don’t cry very often but I’m a firm believer that it cleanses the soul so when you feel it you gotta let it out, cry it out so you can move forward and that’s exactly what I did. And to make myself feel even better today I took myself to the movies to see Quantumania in 3D. Side note, I couldn’t help but think of a song from 6th grade camp that went something like this….

Called myself on the telephone, just to see if I was home. Asked myself out on a date, gotta be home by half past eight.

I’m a nut (knock knock) I’m a nut (knock knock) I’m a nut, I’m a nut, I’m a nut (knock knock)

Took myself to the movie show, sat right down in the very last row. Put my arm around my waist, got so fresh I slapped my face.

I’m a nut (knock knock) I’m a nut (knock knock) I’m a nut, I’m a nut, I’m a nut (knock knock)

Hahaha, it never ceases to amaze me the most random shit I remember lol. But I can’t recall the name of something specific from yesterday. Nuts was a nickname back in the day too. Parker, parkmynuts, nuts. Haha good times.

Quantumania was another homework assignment from Spirit, like many others, and I knew the second I saw the title I had to go see it. Not only am I learning all things quantum, where science meets spirit, so rad, but I had seen Ant Man many moons ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. So I did a recap and caught up with Ant Man and the Wasp the other day and finished with Quantumania today.

I couldn’t help but notice there was a lot of Star Wars innuendos or similarities in the movie and chuckled again at the thought that it’s probably not too far off. You just have to have a really open mind to consider all the possibilities that are so beyond our ego-driven brains. And again it’s not completely our fault that most are asleep but it excites me to think about the future as so many are starting to awaken.

Speaking of movies and similarities, you wanna know what Star Wars, The Hunger Games, Avatar (I was recently called to watch those too) and Quantumania all have in common? The obvious one anyway…their advanced technology. That may not seem like a big deal to you but it falls into the category of things that make me go home hmmm. Don’t mind me, I’m just typing out loud.

I’m telling you, there’s so much truth in cinema. It’s kind of annoying truth because they’re laughing in our faces as they make some of these movies. Even more so with movies that aren’t so funny, like Pinocchio and the concept of pleasure island, not too far from Epstein’s. And that part in the second Avatar (both awesome movies though) where they extracted that golden fluid from the whale, spoiler alert, sorry. Yeah that scene that had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the movie really. That’s exactly what they are doing but not from whales and it’s not from the roof of mouths. More like spinal cords and from children, babies even. That’s actually one of the first truths I heard three years ago. I didn’t want to believe it then, but I do now.

I recall one of my posts with Kanye, I said something along the lines of I know stuff I wish I didn’t know and that’s one of ’em. Hollywood is beyond dark, in fact let’s just call it all out, the entertainment industry is extremely dark and is only getting darker. It won’t last though and that’s because people are starting to wake up and for that I say thank you.

Subject change, in case you didn’t know there was a devastating derailed train of twenty cars that happened February 3rd in East Palestine, Ohio spilling detrimental chemicals. They’re calling it the worst economic disaster in American history. Might not have heard about it because they’ve been keeping us distracted with all those stupid balloons. Meanwhile an entire city has been evacuated and is getting no government assistance, no answers, nada. China’s covering it in their news, Twitter called it Chernobyl, yet there’s zero coverage in our mainstream media. There is now cause you can only keep things secret for so long. Unbelievable. So sad. Prayers to all those in Ohio, not to mention surrounding states by now. Thank you Redacted (and Russell Brand) for giving us the real news.

I couldn’t find this video last night but it popped up in my YouTube feed this morning. So yay, thank you. I haven’t watched it but I’m sure I’ve seen it uncensored on rumble.

On a lighter note, I did receive an angel message this morning. You know I asked for signs last night cause I was feeling so ho-hum and they wasted no time in sending me some reassurance and for that I say thank you, truly grateful.

“Angel number 1979… This number reminds you to live life on your own terms. Do not allow anyone to convince you that you are unworthy or less than. You are an asset in God’s plan for the super conscious. This angel number is also a reminder to always do the right thing, even if others live without integrity.”

Love and Light