Enigma and HB

I have a confession to make…

I sunbathed in my chonies today lol. I couldn’t find the bottoms I wanted so I found the next best thing and that was a pair of polka dot chonies that I tied off with ribbon at the hips.

I have another confession to make…

I flipped somebody off today and I feel awful about it now. In retrospect I now realize they honked at me to let me know they were giving me the go ahead but I follow traffic rules on my cruiser like I did in my Subaru (and use the arm signals we learned in Drivers Ed) so not only did I have the green light AND the green walk signal I knew I had the right of way but when you honk at me you may as well be snapping your finger cause I don’t like either gesture so my immediate response was to flip ’em off and that’s exactly what I did. I sincerely apologize to the guy in the white car who will probably never see this but I feel the need to do it anyway. My bad.

It’s a lesson learned in reactions and I’m telling you it’s so hard to change and that’s why most people aren’t willing to do it. At least I can catch it and realize it and know what I have to do to change it. You’ve gotta understand though I’ve spent most my life being defensive or as I used to say walking around with my fists up. Can’t be like that anymore and I know it and am willing to work hard to change it. I felt so bad after the fact and really wished I could’ve apologized in person but this’ll have to do.

Another awesome day at the beach. If I could just move into this guy I’d be the happiest person ever right now. The beach brings me so much peace and comfort and turns any frown upside down, I can’t get enough. I feel so connected to everything it’s simply amazing.

You know when your thoughts just go from one to the next and then the next and so forth. Of course, that’s how they usually work lol, well today mine were no different and ended with something that brought back a FLOOD of memories from when I was in my early, early twenties if not nineteen or twenty. I used to be in love with this band and now I almost feel like it’s come full circle because I’ve fallen in love all over again. There’s always been something about the monks singing that mesmerizes me to the depths of my soul. We’re talking stop you in your tracks, bring you to your knees kind of mesmerize. These songs meant a lot back in the day and mean even more now as the lyrics ring so true. So nostalgic right now and so grateful for the nudges that brought ’em back. Thank you.