Ensenada Mexico, Hands of Mercy & Full Moon in Leo

Tap into the vast potential of the universe and unleash the power of your desires as February brings a wave of transformative energies, critical dates and manifesting opportunities that are waiting to be harvested. The cosmos is a vast and powerful force that holds the secrets to unlocking our deepest desires and potentials.

This month the full moon in Leo is shining its brightest light on our lives illuminating the path to our greatest dreams and desires. With its potent energy you have the chance to tap into your own inner power creating the life you’ve always dreamed of. The key to unlocking this power is through LOVE. Love is the universal language that speaks to the heart of the cosmos and when you align your intentions with love the universe conspires to make our desires a reality.  Time is only accelerating and it’s easy to be distracted without being prodded by cosmic forces so pay attention and keep moving forward with passion and drive towards your goals and ambitions and don’t forget to have fun along the way.

When you make the conscious decision to step into the universal rhythm that’s presented to you as a divine opportunity your evolution accelerates and the decisions you make become a sacred act of offering back to the natural world and the cosmos. Portals are openings and are accessible each month in their own particular energies. In this context portals are openings and gateways that are made potent by the particular rhythm and flow of the energy that’s present on earth and in nature at that particular moment in space and time. That’s a mouthful, I know, but wait there’s more.

While February 2nd was a portal day so are February 11th and 20th. Their purpose is to draw forth the energies that will be amplified by the portal occurring on February 22nd. By the 28th you should be focusing and evaluating all that’s been developed in this years February energy map. During these intense and unique energy windows you’ll have the chance to amplify your purpose as well as utilize the skills accessible to you without conditions.

The most important thing is to direct all of our strength into love, after all February is the month of love. In addition February is set to be peaceful and free of any astrological activities that has the ability to cause problems. For example, there are no retrogrades occurring in February or March so make use of the momentum that’s already propelling us forward in this new year. Figure out all the things your heart may be prompting you to do and move forward. March is predicted to be a busy month so having acquired balance this month will be highly advantageous. Hence all my angel number 666’s recently representing balance and harmony and a desire to achieve it.

February’s energy encourages us to trust our convictions as the heart wants what the heart wants. Try listening to your own divine guidance rather than what the outside world might be telling you. We’re in the feeling of freedom and have the chance to analyze our lives and decide what’s beneficial for us and what’s no longer serving us. After proper evaluation, the next step is to take action on what needs to be done for the desired changes to take place. It’s time to be in the space of heart-based belief systems and letting go of everything else that’s telling you otherwise.

2-22-23 is angel number 222 followed by the year 2023. It’s also associated with twin flames. These numbers shine brightly and move gracefully with the energy of the holy flow. Use this energy to make choices based on what your heart’s telling you. Let go of your ego and let your heart make choices your mind might not be letting you.

Today’s full moon in the sign of Leo brings with it the energy of a powerful but kind lion. When there’s a full moon it shines a light on the things that are working and aren’t working in your life while oftentimes uncovering buried truths that are ready for disclosure. Let your heart guide you, get in touch with the Divine and make adjustments to any aspects of your life that aren’t in proper harmony and balance.

It’s once again time to set your intentions, be clear about your desires remembering that your intentions need to come from the heart and not your head. Your heart is the doorway to your deepest yearnings and is untouched by the deceptions of outside distractions that cloud your mind so stop thinking about it and just do it already. Believe that the universe will respond by giving you exactly what you asked for and remember that Spirit is always with you guiding you every step of the way so now it’s up to you to take action.

I just arrived home from another successful trip to Mexico to build a house with Hands of Mercy and Yugo Ministries. I absolutely love going to Mexico to help build a home for those in need, especially considering I know exactly what it feels like to not have one.

Last trip I wasn’t sitting shotgun so I wasn’t able to capture as many pictures as I did this time. We arrived safely Friday afternoon along with about forty others from the Crestline area, San Bernardino and Mexicali.

We built two loft houses actually for a family of six. It’s also always a nice reminder to humble oneself and recognize how good we actually have it here in the states, keeps the almighty attitude of gratitude in check.

Of course it wouldn’t be complete without some angel numbers, there were a few more but I was only quick enough to capture these two, HOWEVER, when we returned from the build I was blessed to receive these two signs from Spirit that filled my heart with so much joy I was besides myself, their way of saying job well done and for that I say thank you!

In case you missed it the angel number 5555 is bottom right of the guy making tacos. Just like my angel numbers and attagirl didn’t disappoint, neither did the sunset.

Such a blessing to have the opportunity to participate with these nonprofit organizations, it’s something that will continue to stay on my radar as I will always be looking for additional ways to do all I can to help humanity.

Spirit keeps showing up more and more in my photos, I love it, keep ’em coming cause it’s what keeps me going.

Love and Light