Epiphanies & Mind Over Matter

My perspectives change almost on a daily as I am constantly learning and growing. My guides never miss a beat by bringing things to my attention, helping me change my thought patterns and reassuring me that I’m on the right path. This will be the last time that I bring up my work related obstacles as I can see clearly now the rain is gone lol that’s a great song. I had an epiphany at work the other day that completely changed my attitude because I now realize even more so exactly why I’m being tested with the different personalities I’m coexisting with at work. And for that I say thank you.

Without going into detail here about the situation that at first brought me frustration and agitation and later, literally within seconds, changed to enlightenment, comfort and even a little laughter. As I was doing what I was doing a thought popped into my head, “you know what, I’m gonna learn how to nail this that way it can’t bother me anymore. I’m gonna learn how to do it so well that I learn to love it!” BOOM. It was in that moment that I had an epiphany that that needs to be the attitude I have towards this whole house and towards this whole experience of me working in it. Not with the kids of course that comes naturally and brings joy to my heart but coexisting with some people who don’t share anywhere near the same ethics and compassion that I do can make it quite challenging.

It’s like a light bulb went off and it clicked, I need to change my attitude completely because the more I resist the longer it’ll take and the harder it’ll be. I also need to have a more gentle approach so to speak when it comes to my perspectives. Instead of feeling that I don’t give two shits what people think, let’s be real I am human I do care what people think but I just can’t let it rent space in my head. Life’s all about balance, anybody who knows me knows I tend to be a bull in a china shop and the reality of a gazelle galloping through the grasslands just isn’t me, but I need to find a balance between the two.

Every single person in that house has something to teach me and it’s quite liberating when you’ve come as far as I have to recognize that and then have the maturity to embrace it and move forward knowing it’s all for the greater good. Its definitely not easy but it’s a breath of fresh air knowing I have the wisdom and the tools to pull it off. It’s funny because this cartoon crossed my path the morning of my epiphany…

I didn’t really know what it meant until after my epiphany and I have to say it put a big fat smile on my face and made me chuckle a wee bit. Jesus always has my back, he is my Ascended Master after all. It’s through him I’m learning to have compassion and understanding and patience for everybody. I guess now we know where the angel number 413 comes in, besides my day of incarnation of course. I love synchronicity.

Speaking of Sirit and synchronicity, I received a message reminding me that I have to train my mind to see good in every situation and be ready to make a big change in the world that I am being prepared for. Every obstacle that I endure, every roadblock I have to go through, every detour that delays me is preparing me for what’s to come. It’s up to me to find the pieces of the puzzle while having the patience to put it all together and that’s exactly what I’m doing. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time.

I received a reminder message through Kryon too, Kryon’s tough to explain unless you’re on a spiritual path too, you can look him up if you want to but I’m simply gonna describe him as a voice of reason right now, he had a message through a parable I’m gonna call the story of WO where he says…

“See God in others first.

And see their personality second.

You will have more tolerance because of it.”

I almost feel like this job is my final exam or something because it’s teaching me so much and on so many different levels and it’s like everything is coming at me from all angles. It’s exhausting and exilerating all at the same time. Its almost as if everything I’ve learned in the past three years is being tested to see if I’ve really learned the lessons and if I’m ready to put into practice all the things, belief systems I’ve relearned and thought patterns I’ve had to change, OMG that’s exactly what’s happening. Holy shit balls lol, epiphanies are pretty bad ass. A thousand thank yous.

My guides also love to remind me I’m never alone. I was also recently told to watch out for this particular song and wouldn’t you know it, it keeps popping up in the most random places. Spirit’s so awesome! I love everything I cannot see because it’s everything I sure can feel. Bob Marley’s music is pretty legendary and some would say even sent from the Cosmos.

This video speaks volumes and should be viewed by everyone. Thoughts become things and carry vibrations and energies that can move your life in one direction or the other, depending on what you’re thinking about. In the event it gets taken down for copyright reasons, which is silly to me because as as far as I’m concerned if there’s information on the internet that can improve people’s lives it should be free to everybody no matter what, it’s Mind Over Matter by Motivation Manifested on YouTube. Its worth the watch.


Love and Light