ET’s, Ancient Sumeria, Moons, Technology, Our Presidents & More

This is what I like to do on Friday nights, watch documentaries that have been brought to my attention to confirm just about everything I’m learning or have learned, or better yet, have just known. Mind-blowing once again, and for that I say thank you. This documentary is well worth the watch as it sums up a lot, like a lot a lot.

The puzzle called life is so much bigger than we can even try to fathom, I’m left wondering if it’s gonna take the rest of this lifetime for me to figure it all out. I certainly hope not and actually doubt it considering how much I’ve learned already in as little as three years.

Thanks for the case in point with fluoride and I didn’t realize the detriment in Prozac. It saddens my heart as I knew someone very dear to me who took it for a long while, if only I’d known. It makes me wonder what else they’re putting in our prescription medications that are supposed to be helping us when in actuality it’s causing even more damage. Breaks my heart really, but at the same time also puts even more fire under my ass to want to make a difference and I have faith the help that’s needed will come exactly when it’s supposed to and from exactly who knows how to fix all this. The biggest obstacle for me is having patience in the timing.

Love and Light