Ever Evolving

Every day is a day of evolution for me, I guess technically the same goes for everyone I’m just aware that that’s what’s happening. My level of awareness is more than most and that’s because I know I’m here to assist with change and in order to do that I have to be the change I want to see. Every single day I’m presented with some type of situation that I can learn from. Each day is a chance to recognize ways to better myself. I find myself in situations after the fact recognizing how I could’ve handled it different or perhaps I should’ve responded differently. Continuously fine tuning. Ultimately and at the end of the day I’m ever evolving and striving to always be the best version of me possible.

Wednesday night I had the privilege of hanging out with one of my favorite people. Jun Bug dialed me up and asked me to dinner in honor of John Henry’s anniversary, we were both there to see him go, I’m grateful we were able to experience that together. Jun was definitely Heaven sent for me when I was first placed in my car. He bought me some essentials that made my experience a little easier. For example, the lithium battery that I used to charge my tablet and plug in my portable hotspot. Those were crucial for learning after hours, I spent most of my days in the library but made it a point to not hang out anywhere when the sun went down.

We had a good time as usual and spent most of the time laughing and  reminiscing about this that and the other, telling stories we already knew and catching up on our lives today. Jun lived with my brother for roughly ten years and then we all shared common space for about three months. Jun’s an Aries too, birds of a feather flock together, we hit it off from the get go. We’ve helped each other out in so many ways and I truly consider him a brother and a friend for life.

Speaking of friends for life, I hung out with this guy this past weekend. Someone needed a playmate for the day so I gladly accepted the invitation. He’s so funny, we too are cut from the same goofy cloth, I don’t know who has more fun me or him because we both enjoy playing tag in the house when the parental units aren’t around, probably because we know we’re not supposed to but do it anyway. What’s even funnier is he doesn’t like posing for selfies, as soon as you go to take it he literally turns the other way, it’s hysterical, I don’t know how many retakes I had to do before I got a good one and even that’s questionable. And will someone tell this guy he’s not a lap dog lol. Buddy’s awesome though, love him to pieces, and he’s got an awesome name too. I don’t know who’s healing who here.

I’m looking forward to my extended stay with him which is coming up soon. Besides that Megan has the most relaxing house. I call it the House of Taurus because she is a Taurus and they’re known for liking luxury and comfort and her house is definitely both. Speaking of healing, one of my favorite things to do at her house is pull some little angel cards and that’s exactly what I did upon arrival, here’s what Spirit had to say…

All these words to me speak of our New Earth that has officially started. Gaia is giving birth right now and is the reason for all the worldly chaos. It will get better, we’re on our way.

My team is so funny because I went there with a list of movies I wanted to watch and they be like nope you’re gonna watch this one. I ended up watching Phenomenon which turned out to be phenomenal, it was so good! They lived in a small town where instead of money people traded services for what they needed. I’d like to see that someday and I believe that’s where we’re headed, however long it takes and for those who choose such a community.

The human spirit.

That’s the challenge.

That’s the voyage.

That’s the expedition.


there’s hearts in my cheerios…yay!

Connected for eternity beautiful brother of mine. I haven’t shared this with anybody and wasn’t really planning on it until right now. True story. I was sitting with him in the hospital on whatever day it was, just him and I and as God as my witness he told me I was smarter than him hee hee. He’s getting a good laugh too cause he knows it’s true. I love you John Henry, thanks for being my brother, and for being one of my best teachers. It’s not forever it’s just for now and until we meet again.

Love and Light