I went to see The Chosen last night at the Long Beach Marina, we all know I’m a big fan of Yeshua. One of the best lines was “military intelligence was oxymoronic”, I got a pretty good laugh out of that one. Great writers, great cast, great series, I thoroughly enjoy everything about it. What was even better though was all my angel numbers in a twenty minute drive. Quick trip from HB to LBZ with so many signs along the way, and for that I say thank you. I’m telling ya, backwards forward and sideways…

911’s been coming in strong lately, it even popped up in my YouTube feed this morning.
I asked Spirit again exactly what I am, I will continue to ask until I get the final answer. I can’t help but feel like I’m a little bit of everything. I resonate with Lightworker, Starseed, 144,000, Pleaidian DNA, healer, the angelic realm and even time traveler. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned my time traveler DVD story or not so I’ll share it now or again. It was shortly after I’d been placed in my car and I stopped in at Central library on a whim. I don’t recall where I was coming from but I had this “sudden urge” to check my email. Long story short when I arrived there was a much older gentlemen who said he had something for me. I was like okay, seemed odd but stranger things have happened. He handed me 2 DVD’s.
I should probably rewatch ’em again considering this was almost two years ago however Spirit has a funny way of making you figure things out and really enjoys speaking metaphorically. They’re also notorious for bringing stuff up that makes no sense to then reintroduce it when it finally does. I remember when I first got ’em I was thinking time travel in literal terms with a time machine but after hearing one of the speakers at the Disclosure Festival talk about time travelers coming back from the future I’m like hmmm. It’s 10:10 meaning my angels are near. Time travel is just another piece of the puzzle that I haven’t completely figured out yet.
I mention all this because there’s a lot I’m still figuring out. Tonight at meditation I had a breakthrough and a gut feeling all at the same time. I rely heavily on my intuition and granted I’m still fine tuning it but I can’t help but to feel like I’m mostly there simply for the meditation which is hard to swallow considering just last week I could’ve swore pranic healing was my calling. Being very careful not to speak from my ego I can’t help but to feel like there’s more to it, I’m here for something much bigger than healing peoples auras. While that’s extremely important considering the state of our world today I can’t help but feel like it’s a stepping stone to something different.
During the meditation I felt something I have and haven’t felt before and that’s pressure on my chakras. We were doing the twin hearts meditation, we do different versions and tonight we focused on the chakras. Side note, I remember in the beginning of my journey reading that when your third eye starts to open up you’ll feel pressure on it, and I remember not having a clue about any of it. I’ve been feeling pressure on my third eye chakra and my crown chakra during my own private meditations for maybe a couple months now but tonight I felt pressure on every single chakra as we were cleansing them. I was silently blown away as I didn’t mention it to anyone. I also felt tingling coming from my palms. I’ve felt that for maybe two weeks now? The first couple times I was laying in bed, in the morning, and felt it, I attributed it to my hands falling asleep. There was no mistaking anything tonight, the palms of my hands were tingling, especially my left palm. It’s now 10:27, all things are possible with God lol.
I didn’t stay for the clinic this evening as my gut was telling me my main focus is the meditation. As I was walking down the hall to leave I was having a conversation with Spirit and telling them exactly how I felt and how I was somewhat confused with my feelings and that I didn’t stay for the clinic because I wasn’t feeling compelled to and that I felt like there was something else or something more and right at that moment I rounded the corner to leave the building and a 444-4444 taxi was right outside waiting, not for me but it stopped me in my tracks. How’s that for confirmation?
I will continue to go to meditation every week and will even continue classes IF the stars align and I don’t have to force anything. By not forcing anything I mean not having to get my shifts covered or even asking for time off. If it’s meant to be it’s meant to be and everything will fall into place. It’s imperative I trust that I’m being guided and that I’m here with some serious purpose. I have to be patient and go with the flow, I’m not in charge and can finally relax and take comfort in knowing that. I can’t say I’m completely comfortable sharing all this and I’m not sure why I even am but I feel like I have to. Transparency isn’t always easy but it’s definitely pertinent and one of the reasons I have this blog in the first place.
I have to continue to remind myself my new year starts in Aries season which is the end of March and with that also comes quite a bit of astronomical and astrological awesomeness. Let’s not forget we’re about to start the Year of the Dragon with the Chinese New Year. But yeah, the new moon in Aries along with the solar eclipse, plus my birthday, not to mention astrologically speaking (according to my chart) 49 is a big year for me so yay there’s that. I’ve always been an all or nothing kind of person and I know for a fact, I can feel it, Spirit is asking me to slow down, be patient and wait for everything to unfold. So that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.
Ask and you shall receive, knock and they will answer. I think Spirit’s been answering my question with their continuous angel synchronicities. I’m in yoga Saturday and this guy came right next to me with his Angels t-shirt, then the guy skating with his Angels jersey and ball cap. I know it sounds silly but everywhere I look I see something having to do with angels. I keep hearing this song too. I haven’t heard this song for twenty years and now just these past few weeks I think I’ve heard it a dozen times. It’s now 11:11. Did I time travel from the future, from the 9D angelic realm to volunteer to help heal humanity during this ascension to the New Earth? I keep hearing the 144 are from the angelic realm which would make sense because Rion from Team Light at the Disclosure Festival mentioned the 144 was the God squad but that I don’t know for sure yet. I feel as though it’s true but that’s a biggums lol.
Time will tell.
Classic. Great song, great album, great artist. Thanks Shaggy.
Love and Light