Everything To Be Grateful For

As I transmute my sorrow into gratitude I find myself grateful for so many things. Not only do I have this innate ability to bounce back from anything, I also have this drive to succeed which keeps me going no matter what my circumstances. I’ve said it before but it couldn’t ring more true today and that’s the fact that nothing, and I mean nothing phases me anymore. There is no obstacle I can’t overcome, no sadness I can’t turn around and no negativity I can’t ignore.

I’m not driven by money or material things, I’m not driven by technology, I’m driven by my unwavering faith in Spirit and everything we cannot see lovingly hovering above us whether it’s three feet off the ground or sparkling in the night sky. I am supported 100% by my guides, by God, my angels and archangels and of course, now one member stronger, my brigade. I am supported, I am loved, I am led and surrounded by another one of the best kept secrets. Not really a secret though as many do believe, but for those who don’t, let my life and my experiences be the proof you need to know that they are real, they are here, and never leave our sides. And for me this is just the beginning.

Spirit recently mentioned to watch out for angel number 555 as it represents challenges, change and transformation. They came in loud and clear today on my bike rides lol. I took a ride to Bolsa Chica this morning and then again this afternoon. There’s no words to describe how grateful I am that I have the luxury of living four blocks from the beach and have the time and desire to be able to ride my bike not only beachside but wherever I want.

These were all from today, the ones I was able to capture anyway, and the days not even over yet.

My brothers passing has now given me the ultimate gift of freedom and has now made it possible for me to move freely about the planet, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. A friend of mine recently gave me a box of prayer cards and I was pleasantly surprised when the first card I pulled was this one…

My brother may not have had my back for the past year or so but he does now and that’s all that matters. He and I know exactly what this card means and for that I say thank you John Henry, and I love you. While I was extremely close with my mom I’ve always said to others that after my moms passing I felt closer to her now than I did when she was alive and I have to say the same now goes for my brother. There is an unconditional love and presence felt with Spirit that defies explanation, and sometimes I don’t ask questions I just say thank you.

I want to also express my gratitude for the leap of faith I took a few weeks ago when I quit my job at the group home. They never disappoint as now I’m running a surf shop down at the beach on the weekends. It’s temporary of course but in the meantime it’s perfect for me and again it’s difficult to find the words to express just how grateful I am. All I can say is that they have my back, always have and always will. To say I’m being guided while being fully protected is an understatement. All I have to do is keep showing up, keep the faith, stay positive and continue to be a Wayshower and Starseed Lightworker, or Light Warrior rather. My life continues to change as my soul continues to grow and evolve. Only God and his army know my destiny and I take solace in knowing I’m in good hands as I prepare for another awakening while gently reminding myself it’s always darkest before the dawn.

“If you want to awaken all of humanity then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation”

Don’t quit before the magic happens and anticipate miracles is what I was just told. I’ll never quit and in case we haven’t met I’m fearless Aries and I’m unstoppable. You wanna know what else they said, they reminded me I’m not here to make jewelry, I’m here to help change the world. That makes me feel better yes it does. A special moment shared with my brigade and so intimate I will keep it to myself.  I love it, thank you.

Love and Light