Evolutionary Journey

What a day start to finish. My buddy Andy and I had a good laugh at the skate rink this morning. For the life of me I couldn’t think of the word pendulum so I asked my phone divination tool with a crystal at the end that answers yes and no questions. He then said something along the lines of I’ll bet your search engine is full of crazy stuff. Siri probably responds with, are you sure you wanna go there? That’s another rabbit hole. Okay but once I give you the answer, there’s no going back! Elon Musk probably answers you he said. We laughed so hard because he’s absolutely right. My search engines are full of questions everyone is afraid to ask or too closed-minded to even consider. I love it though, it’s what makes me one of the frontrunners, a way-shower as I pave the trenches. Although for the record, Elon Musk doesn’t answer me but Spirit sure does.

Returning home I walked right into this little fella right outside my front door. My first instinct was to ask him politely if he would pose for a picture and then I hopped on my computer (no pun intended) to look up the spiritual meaning, taking me back to the beginning of my journey again when I looked up the spiritual meaning of everything. It doesn’t get old though and besides I’m sure it has a different meaning today then it did back then considering I’m in a completely different phase of my journey. I guarantee I looked it up and wrote about it years ago but here’s what it had for me today…

If you ask me this grasshopper’s a cross between black and brown so according to spiritualityshepherd.com a brown grasshopper symbolizes stability, grounding and a connection to the earth. They remind us to stay rooted in our values and beliefs during times of change. Black one’s represent mystery, transformation and protection. They encourage us to look within ourselves and embrace the unknown. Sounds about right!

Today was an extraordinary day and please allow me to share with you why. I feel like I have a new lease on life. I don’t know if I’m doing it, if they’re doing it but I’m pretty sure it’s a collaborative we’re doing it. I feel different. I feel like my confidence is through the roof right now and all I know is I never want it to end. It’s gotta be a combination of everything. My dream last night was nothing short of awesomeness. I dreamt I was flying, sometimes on my hoverboard and sometimes not. There were times I wanted to exit the atmosphere and just leave, I saw myself wanting to be so far up in space that I’m looking down at Earth but as soon as I think I’m brave enough to actually go that high…nope, I go back down.

Is it possible I’m starting to experience lucid dreaming? It’s the third time I’ve experienced flying this way, it’s scary and it’s not but I’m not quite at the point where I let go completely. I think there might be some not so hidden metaphors here, maybe I’m on the cusp of a major breakthrough. Oh I hope I hope I hope. I did ride an elevator backwards while spinning to get to the land of flight. Dreams are such a trip. They hold so many keys and clues to our subconscious and is exactly why I keep a dream journal. Someday I’ll share more about my dreams, hopefully that’ll be the day they make more sense to me too.

This new found freedom could also have something to do with the cards I pulled the other night. I don’t share every time I pull cards but the other night I pulled some pretty awesome ones. I even pulled a new archangel, you can only imagine the screech of excitement I let out, I love it when new archangels cross my path. I’ll give you the short version…

  • Transformation: You’re ready to move beyond energies or situations that are no longer helpful to you and make space for something more purposeful. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon you’re ready to move beyond previous limitations. You’re almost ready to fully embrace who you were born to be. Your angels are acknowledging the emotional and physical transformations, they see you moving into a space where you’re more comfortable than ever with who you are. You have a spark of splendor and soon you will enjoy the benefits of your commitment to your growth.
  • Archangel Phanuel: the angel of hope and optimism, and new beginnings. Experiences of great fulfillment are on the horizon reminding you of the power of hope and optimism. As you consciously choose to release doubt and fear, your peaceful trusting attitude will connect you with all things uplifting. A wonderful new opportunity designed just for you is right around the corner.
a friend gave me this for my birthday so I personalized it after I got the archangel card, I was so excited

I feel like I’m now seeing things from a higher perspective. I feel like I really know now what it feels like to let go and let God. All my worries have been left behind. I’ve been wrestling with my ego for months, probably longer and I finally feel as though I’ve left that behind too. I don’t let the doubts win anymore, I can now push through ’em knowing my heart now leads the way, knowing my team of invisible light is by my side at all times. Perhaps watching City of Angels was the last real confirmation I needed, I don’t know I can’t explain it but it feels so liberating.

I don’t care about my weight anymore, I’m now staying focused on making healthy choices. You have to understand growing up in Orange County California can 100% condition a young lady to thinking she has to look a certain way, always worried about if you’re skinny enough, it’s mean really. I’m finally able to lovingly accept myself, curves and all. I’ve got curves in all the right places and even if they’re not, who cares? I’m beautiful just the way I am.

So many unnecessary worries out the window and damn it feels good to be a gangster. My financial worries, those are gone too. I’ve let go of the reigns, I’m not hyper-focused on where it’s gonna come from next. Everything just magically shows up and that may sound crazy but allow me to give some examples.

  • When I was living in my car with no income February rolled around which meant it was time to pay for my blog which is over $300. A letter was sent to my brothers and Jun (his roommate) gave it to me and in it was I don’t even remember but it was basically an old investment or something but it was for almost the exact amount I needed. It blew my mind. In fact the same thing happened when I was leaving Colorado.
  • How ’bout the time I was walking to the library (to check out the free portable wi-fi which was also Heaven sent, I borrowed that thing for maybe eight months allowing me to have internet in my car, I didn’t even have a phone at this point, just a tablet) and I found $20. I wasn’t selling jewelry at this point either so I was super excited and then the very next day I came down with pink eye and that’s exactly what the medicine cost. I was so bummed to give it up but also grateful because that’s exactly why I found it.
  • My brother passing. I don’t think that’s coincidence at all. My brother left me money (whether he knew it or not) that has paid for my storage units for a year. That money also helped me go to the Kryon conference and the Disclosure Festival, not to mention he bought me my first pair of skates.

Those are just the ones I’m thinking of off the top of my head.

I’ve got this new and improved attitude with my job. Don’t get me wrong, I like my job but over the past few months I’ve gotten a wee bit restless because I know this isn’t my final destination. It’s funny because every now and again someone would come in and be like oh you have the best job, you’re living your best life, must be nice working on the beach, what a great view, you must meet the coolest people, blah blah blah. It’s funny because I know Spirit sent those people to lovingly remind me how good I do have it. Looking back now it makes complete sense. This job is a gift, the perfect little job for me while I’m learning and waiting for what’s next. It’s fun, it’s healing with the ocean air, I ride my bike, I work by myself and listen to my own music for six hours at a time, it’s perfect and I get it now, I really do.

I’m also ready to move on but at least now I feel like I can wait, I feel the patience that I need to have and I have it and I’m cool with it. For the first time since my journey began I have this indescribable sense of calmness, like a wave of contentment and acceptance I’ve never felt before. I’m okay with where I’m at, waiting for my next step, waiting for my people, because at the end of the day I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. Which was another card I pulled by the way, regarding Divine Order. Spirit’s got me. I’m seen, I’m heard and most importantly I’m protected and guided while loved unconditionally. It’s fucking phenomenal, and for all of this I express so much gratitude.

I had such a fantastic day at work, I laughed a lot with so many customers, more than usual and I’m convinced it’s all because I changed my perspective. I changed my attitude and make no mistake, I asked for help too. Don’t think it all went without prayer and meditation because that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. I actually apologized tonight to Spirit because I felt so bad for taking my job for granted sometimes. I felt bad for being impatient when Spirit’s strategically placed me there to help me, to heal me and to allow me to make just the right amount of money I need to do the things I do, which is whatever I want really.

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot, I found these two cards randomly on a shelf at work tonight. It’s 11:11 as I type this sentence and there’s no doubt in my mind these cards were left for me to find. I almost feel like I’m love drunk right now and all I know is I don’t want it to end. I also know this was a long post but when you’re in the flow you’re in the flow. It’s also important though as Spirit recently reminded me (again) that I’m recording my incredible evolutionary journey to help others, to inspire, that’s what my blog is for, that’s why my life’s on blast. It’s my service while I’m in lesson. What can I say, I asked lol.