Fast Tracking

I fell asleep to one of Jason Stephenson’s sleep meditations, he has all kinds of fantastic sleep meditations and I fall asleep to them often. Last night was connecting with your spirit guide which is ironic now that I actually read the title after the fact because it says connect with your higher self and I’m well aware that I am one of (if not all of) my spirit guides, my higher self is anyway. I found it interesting but not surprising that the lion showed up, both the lion and a lioness were in my dream last night, which to me represents the masculine and the feminine. As much as I would love to learn more about dreams and perhaps some day I will but for now I really don’t need another pile of books to read. In my dream the lions were becoming aggressive, maybe agitated is a better word, either way they were clearly restless because they were in captivity, the lioness even ate a raccoon, I saw the tail sticking out of her mouth. Perhaps that’s representation of me graduating from the racoon spirit to the lion.

At the end of the day we are multidimensional beings and when we come into this life our soul actually splits and becomes our guides. It’s wild and truly beyond our complete comprehension so I don’t even try to figure it all out but from what I understand our soul splits into multiple parts and all those parts become our guides. I had an inkling of this however long ago when I mentioned that the universe absolutely tests us (because I heard somewhere someone say it doesn’t) but come to find out the universe doesn’t act alone and it’s actually our higher self/selves that does all the testing. So basically I’m my biggest guide which to me makes complete sense as no one knows me better than me. While my physical self is here trying to learn all of me my higher self is on the other side of the veil and knows exactly who I am and even more so who I want to become. Like I said it’s pretty wild and complex and that’s because it’s all operating in the quantum field.

Unbeknownst to me up until now, I’ve been ascending my whole life. A reading was brought to my attention the other morning and it was one of those messages that was meant for me to hear as it nailed me, my life, my journey, all of it to a tee. So much so it made me cry. This time it came from Channel Your Light who I’ve only seen a handful of times but it is one of the main ways Spirit communicates with me. Videos come and go, I don’t go looking for ’em though, generally they find me. Different people come and go with messages that are meant for me to hear in those moments and then go away just as fast as they appeared. It’s then up to me to decipher what’s really meant for me because not all of them pertain to me of course, I rely heavily on my intuition and my body. With this one my heart and my tears told me it was for me.

She started by confirming my feeling of graduation which is simply moving from one school of thought to a higher one which runs parallel with my need to be seeing things from a higher perspective so that was cool, confirmations are key and much needed in my world. Ever since my journey began I feel as though I’ve been on this fast track of higher learning. A fast track or eclipsing of one version of me to another and in the process I’ve been gathering all the pieces of who I am, who I have been and where I’ve been and where I want to go. I’m constantly taking stock and reflecting which is an important part of the process.

While I’m finally coming out of survival mode it’s important to recognize the necessity of survival mode for most of my circumstances however now that I’m eclipsing into the newer and better version of me I can now transmute those survival modes into leadership roles. I’m learning how to utilize all the different aspects of my journey and how to take those survival aspects and change my energy through growth and development which has and is radically catapulting me into the newer version I’m becoming. It’s through the process of growth which is done through healing whether that be from grief, learning life lessons, relationships, education and everything in between, it is the dissension of the higher self or like I mentioned already, the graduation from one school of thought into a more evolved school of thought.

Everyone is always moving through the ascension process regardless of what you’re doing or how you’re doing it. In my opinion if you take ‘spiritual’ out of ascension then you’re left with ascension which to me and on a fundamental level simply means growth. So even if you’re not ‘spiritually ascending’ every time you encounter hardships or triumph challenges you’re still ascending because you’re still growing. At the end of the day everybody is always creating spiritual things though whether you realize it or not because whether you know it or not or even fully embrace it or not we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We are all sparks of Source, it’s where we come from and where we return to, we are all sparks of God before we are the human(oid) species.

Back to the video, she said something that I found very interesting and that’s how some come to earth requesting to fully embrace the human experience, not wanting anything to do with spirituality but rather the human engrained 3D experience. It was a big reminder for me that everyone is at different levels of evolution spiritually and soulfully. It sure does explain a lot of people lol and it’s another reminder that my purpose here isn’t to awaken anybody spiritually but instead to be the lighthouse for those who do choose to awaken. It’s also another reminder to hold no judgements for those wanting nothing to do with the whole 5D ascension process.

Judgement…almost as important, if not just as important, as forgiveness. It’s so important to place no judgements on others and it’s also paramount to always embrace forgiveness. Two key factors in quality leadership. Becoming a leader, which is exactly what I’m being prepared for, needs to come from a highly evolved state of mind which means I have to be able to recognize all the various states of the processes and see it all from a higher perspective.

I have to be able to see the bigger picture which isn’t always easy or straight forward. Leaders are chosen for their hearts and good leaders are able to see both sides of the coin. Good leaders don’t take sides, they see and respect both. Everybody is playing their part as we enter the Age of Aquarius and proceed to our New Earth whether is be light or dark, good or evil, 3D or 5D, spiritual or not. We are all collectively part of the process and every part is necessary for the success of ascension in general.

Throw me to the wolves and watch me come back leader of the pack.

A quote from a sweatshirt I recently saw that not only spoke to me but pointed me out. Speaking of species though, I love it when new species cross my path. Blue Avians for the gold. Blue Avians are a unique starseed race. They come from the 9th dimension and hold the frequency of unity consciousness, never taking sides and are here to help humans find unity while braking away from the illusion of separation. The Earth (with its schuman resonance) and with its dynamics and architecture are creating new energetic waves for us to be supercharged with higher frequencies. Ascension (to 5D) is well underway with so many more experiencing a calling to discover more about their soul families and origins in general. We are accessing the quantum and are being empowered by superconscious states. We are anchoring the templates of the neo-humans and evolving to the next stages of humankind.

We are being encouraged to take back our sovereignty, we’re all born free and the time is now to reclaim our power within. The four primary goals of all living creatures on Earth are as follows…





Blue Avians aren’t from a star system, they travel the quantum in spaceships. Yes, spaceships. They use portals to travel space and time and they have access to all realities. They are royal bird/hybrids, humanoid hybrid birds. They are unity consciousness ambassadors, they are God’s messengers of unity. They don’t take sides, never judge and only receive guidance from God Source.

Extraterrestrial beings have been on earth for quite some time and will soon make themselves known. You will soon discover that some of these beings are actually you from the future.

Love and Light