The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins

It’s about time I stop pussyfooting around and actually get this blog up and running. My journey technically started about a week ago but you’ll soon find out, my life is crazy and comical, and there’s rarely a dull moment.


You’d think I invented the phrase “you can’t make this shit up” cause you literally can’t make some of this shit up lol. It’s mainly for friends and family who worry about me and just want to make sure I’m doing alright, which I get, so yeah here goes nothing.

y blog will be ever evolving focusing mainly on my travels, experiences, triumphs and fuck ups while focusing on the spiritual aspects of my journey and the beauty in life lessons, angel numbers and how magic is simply real. I didn’t take any blogging classes or writing lessons so this is straight up my unfiltered, call it like I see it, say like a sailor, usually R rated version of someone you love and sometimes love to hate.


“As a lifelong learner I find myself yearning to know more.”

I lost my mom on March 5, 2020. I lost my job shortly thereafter. Failed my semester at Regis. I then was blessed with a spiritual awakening and that’s when everything started to change. And I mean everything. I started to see things in a
different light, started to feel different about things, my goals in life started shifting, my heart grew distant from people and things and I ended up leaving someone who I cared about deeply because I felt the need to truly find myself.

As a lifelong learner I find myself yearning to know more. Wanting to learn as much as possible. And unless you actually experience a spiritual awakening, you just won’t really “get it” so I understand that many people think I’m off
my rocker or whatever, luckily for me I’ve always been somewhat crazy so I really don’t care.


“I am fearless.”

For those that don’t know, let me tell you spirituality is one big rabbit hole, you could spend a lifetime absorbing all the information and still have more to learn. A lot like astrology, the other rabbit hole I’m starting to explore.

So yeah, welcome to my crazy life where shit happens, mistakes are embraced so one can truly learn and grow and not be ashamed to share with the rest of the world, and why? Because at the end of the day I’m just another human being who has the same (problem not all cause I’m a different breed for sure) wants and needs as the

I believe that good or bad, everything happens for a reason. I believe in random acts of kindness, leaps of faith, loving unconditionally, loving like you’ve never been hurt and learning through experience. I also believe that most rules are meant to be broken and I am a free spirit who is 100% Aries who leaps before looking because I am fearless.


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader


3 thoughts on “The Journey Begins

  • Wow Melissa. You have already had an amazing journey of all sorts of experiences. I ended up reading your blog backwards which worked out in a weird way. Please keep writing. Your doing something awesome. Stay safe and fearless. Looking forward to reading more of journey.

    • Just now seeing this, thanks Josh I really appreciate it. Wanna know something strange…you were actually in one of my dreams last week. Tell Jen purely innocent lol. Appreciate your kind words. Kiss your baby for me.

  • If it makes you feel better I was unaware that the blog reads that way too. I guess “experienced bloggers” know the difference. Nope, no experience with blogging here. In fact I write the stuff of course but then send to my buddy in Colorado along with the pics and he plugs it all in. Too schmancy for me.
    My whole life’s been one life lesson after another, this past year alone is worthy of a screenwriter! So it’ll be interesting to see what unfolds in the future because I have a sneaky suspicion this platform will eventually serve a higher purpose. But until then in a few weeks we’ll be neighbors again for a short period of time. Thanks for the message. And in case I’ve never told you, you two make some pretty babies lol!

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