Five Reasons You Keep Seeing Angel Numbers

1. You must stay connected… it’s important to be able to communicate with the spirit world. Many people communicate with the spirit world through prayer, meditation, learning, studying and intuition. Guardian Angels and Archangels watch over humans and sometimes check in, even though we can’t see them (they vibrate on a much higher frequency) they can see us and their job is to assist, guide and protect by staying connected through feelings and thought. They often times use numbers to get our attention. 1 is the beginning, 2 gathers, unites and creates from 3 to a solid 4, changing from low to high at 5, evolving into 6, having more than enough by 7, constantly flowing into 8 and ending at 9.

2. You have an important message… your spiritual mailbox is everywhere and in everything; nature, computers, phones, songs, stores, dreams, receipts, signposts, etc…everywhere. All are codes to follow to get you where you need to go, sometimes they’re just hellos because you have an awesome relationship with your team of angels. Angel numbers appear for so many different reasons.

3. Your spiritual mailbox is full… when you become spiritually aware we tend to ask too many questions, think too many thoughts, feel too many things as we’re connected to our angels through thoughts and feelings. Don’t worry you’re not going crazy, it’s just somewhat of a system overload. Messages often times will keep coming and coming until you get it or you may find yourself in trouble when you don’t heed the message warnings (believe me I know about that all too well).

4. The Universe wants your attention… sometimes gentle, or not so much, they’re reminders from the Divine that you’re being called to something higher, a wake up call to your spiritual journey or another awakening advancing you on your path.

5. You’re exactly where you need to be…(my favorite) the Universe has a plan for you and your life and has since the beginning of time and now it’s all unfolding as planned. You may not be able to see the bigger picture but know that God and the Universe do so keep going. Know you’re where you need to be right now and you are protected. Your angels have your back and will be with you every step of the way. Remember you’re a divine being living a human experience so enjoy it as best you can.


Spiritually speaking everything happens in cycles and angel numbers are a sign you’re preparing for something new. They’re also a sign that a phase of your life is coming to a close and you’re about to be reborn again. Also your requests have been received and are under review reminding you that anything that’s meant for you will never pass you by as long as it aligns with your life purpose and soul mission. Sometimes things might have to get worse before they get better but never give up.

Love and Light