Flamingo Casino & Resort

Since I only work on the weekends and have the following two weekends off I opted to start my much needed getaway early. Plus, I had a care package of goodies for my brothers best friend Topher who lives in Las Vegas so the decision to go sprinkle some joy there was an easy one. Besides that I wanted to make some new memories in Vegas, I don’t have any bad ones per se but just wanted to make some new ones. The past three times I’ve been to Vegas (2020 cause it was open) I’ve stayed at Freemont Street so I was looking to stay on the strip. Sunday evening a couple came into the surf shop and she was wearing a Las Vegas sweatshirt, I asked them where their favorite place to stay was and they came to the consensus of Flamingo.

Learning to follow my intuition and guidance from my angels and guides the following morning before heading out I looked into Flamingo Casino & Resort and low and behold it was $12/night (plus resort fees of course) thanks to a flash sale for Memorial Day. Done. Not only was the price fantastic but I couldn’t help but to let out a little screech of excitement when I discovered the address was 3555 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Three 5’s was all the confirmation I needed to know that’s where I wanted to be.

I decided to drive this time so off to Vegas I was. I have to say, I’ve driven to Vegas many a time in my earlier days as turn around trips were very common living only four hours away, but this drive was different. I wasn’t in a hurry to get anywhere and actually enjoyed the scenic views which I had never really appreciated (the way I do today) in the past. It was beautiful and actually went by a little too fast.

I have a rule of thumb for staying in hotels and that’s if I’m staying at a hotel, I’m staying for at least two nights. I think that’s just my way of talking myself into staying longer, but I just find the hassle of hauling all your stuff then unpacking and then repacking, well, a hassle so I justify it with staying longer. Works for me. My first night was an eye opener as I actually realized how much I’ve changed. I’ve never really been a big gambler but do like to play the slots and maybe some video poker. I learned I really didn’t like the way the gin and tonic made me feel so that didn’t last long, which is crazy considering I spent a better part of a decade at the bottom of a vodka bottle. Maybe after just seeing what alcohol abuse really does at the end of the day to a loved one has something to do with it. I think I’ve simply outgrown it, and for that I say thank you. And I guess after spending so much time in solitude, the amount of people and all the different energies was a bit much.

Speaking of change though, Vegas sure is evolving too, a little too much for my taste. First of all, there are no more coin slot machines so so much for my bag of quarters. But on top of that, the games are just too complicated and involved for my simple way of life these days. I sat down at a game, put in twenty bucks and after like three rounds it was all over. Wait what? I couldn’t tell you exactly how I lost it, or how fast. I went to another one I was fairly familiar with, won back my twenty, plus won another thirty and was like okay lesson learned, I’m over it, I’m out lol. Went back up to my room, watched a movie on my laptop while relaxing in a bubble bath. Even found a feather, thank you.

Thanks for the feather upon arrival

The Flamingo has a beautiful nature center come to find out so that’s exactly how I started my Tuesday. This is more my pace, more my style and was definitely beautiful.

What a great job she has
I guess flamingos like to check themselves out

Speaking of flamingos, my day wouldn’t be complete without looking up the spiritual significance of these pink feathered friends. Turns out the general spiritual meaning of a flamingo is one of beauty and gracefulness, how we should be living our lives with grace and beauty, especially in the face of adversity. As a power animal it can teach you how to stand strong in the midst of a storm while showing you how to tap into your well of harmony. These birds represent moving through life consciously while paying attention to your actions and the way they affect everything around you, giving us the power to make the world a better place and improve the lives of people we meet.

Love and Light