Following Your Intuition

After spending an amazing 24 hours of laughter and fun with my long lost girlfriend Megan, we worked at The Brea Improv some twenty plus years ago,  I was back in HB. Upon returning from that awesome slumber party I had a strong urge to go to the beach so acting on my intuition I headed towards Main Street. As I danced my way down to the end of the pier I started taking pictures as it was perfect timing for another legendary Huntington Beach sunset.

This is what I captured that afternoon in chronological order.

If you look closely you’ll see the pod of dolphins that happened to be passing in divine right timing. Not to mention the orb bottom left. Love it. Spectacular.


LMAO…YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE! Second thought there’s no need cause I already know. Seeing isn’t always believeing. In fact I’ll fill you in on a secret…believing is seeing- thanks momma.

This ones outta order but who cares sometimes you gotta mix shit up because lifes not always gonna go in the order you expected. But at the end of the day when your energy and emotions are positive your positive vibes allow you to see things in a better light and help you understand that even when things don’t go as expected it’s simply an opportunity for learning and growth. Being optimistic makes everything feel lighter and you know you can take on anything so cultivate it from this moment forward. I know I am.

EVERYTHING is a chance to learn and grow and become better. And when you know better you do better. And when you’re doing better you’re one step closer to enlightenment and unconditional love.

I don’t know about you but that’s a yes for me.

Love and Light