Food For Thought

I don’t know about eight to ten days but it most certainly will affect everybody.

He talks a little bit about Bill Gates eradicating polio. Hmmm, that’s interesting because from I understand that’s the next plandemic, affecting children, so don’t make any travel plans in 2025. That’s not conspiracy, that’s straight out of Bill Gates mouth. He said it in an interview however long ago, I’m almost positive I heard it on Redacted. He doesn’t care though, he wants to brag about it, that way he can’t say he didn’t warn us. He’s gross. Once he’s gone from this Earth, along with all the other evil predominantly male figures, cough cough Klaus Schwab, that’s when the New Earth can really start to take form so buckle up buttercups because this storms about to start really brewing.

Speaking of storms, it’s not the first news flash I’ve heard about (super) El Nino. Don’t be scared, just be prepared.

We all have magnetic fields for the record, they’re called auras, and I can’t wait to have mine read here shortly. I’ve heard quite a few people talking about Gaia raising her frequencies which will create a little more chaos in the form of eruptions, earthquakes and floods which ultimately will lead to new discoveries. I’m telling you the shift is in motion, it’s happening. We need new. I think there’s a lot more than just mantle going on in our earths core, but that’s just me. NASA, don’t really trust them either. What do I trust? Everything I can’t see. All things multidimensional and quantum.

Globalitarian elites? I think that’s a new word people but do agree, let’s take ’em down. Did I see Mr. Bean back there? Haha, all joking aside, this is serious stuff.

Turns out the heart is the most important organ in our bodies. Thank you Dr. John Campbell.

Love and Light