Food for Thought (cont)

Well, I guess Tony doesn’t like sharing his content OR YouTube took it down for whatever reason, hard to say. Either way it’s Godrules on YouTube and he was talking about how Walmart and Amazon (he even quoted Jeff Bezos) are about to go away, just like Sears and Kmart and JCPENNEY did. I don’t know enough about money yet to discuss or debate it but that’s what he was saying, and of course it all has to do with the banks and everything behind the scenes that we “ordinary” or perhaps blue collar people aren’t privy to knowing. It’s starting to crumble people, especially with the eclipse next week and all the cosmic energies, the change or shift rather is in motion. And that’s exactly why I’m here. I don’t about you but I’m pumped and ready to take action.


I’ve never particularly cared for Elon Musk, there’s just something about him that’s never sat right with me. I don’t trust him. Or AI. Or our government. Speaking of government, I saw a funny shirt this morning that read, no need for sex because the government fucks me everyday. Haha I gotta good laugh and a high five outta that one.

Love and Light