Fourth New Human Attribute: Non-gossiper

Not gossiping has to be the hardest of all the attributes of mastery, for it is human nature to gossip. It may seam easy yet it can be quite difficult. A master retracts from a place of gossip and does not participate in gossip nor go to a place that would ever diminish another human being.

The fourth attribute of mastery is non-gossiper. Mastery does not revel in making others feel wrong or look stupid in any way. It doesn’t go to a place where it cooperates in conversations that will diminish anyone, ever, in any way. People do it all the time and for different reasons. Some people do it without even realizing they’re doing it, others to make themselves feel better. It’s dangerous, it’s detrimental and unfortunately it’s everywhere.

Silence is golden if and when you might find yourself amongst others participating in gossip. That means also silence without nodding in agreement which actually runs parallel with another attribute, not reacting. When combined all four elements of mastery create a different human being…the new human.

Instead of participating mastery responds with compassion by making statements such as I hope they’re okay, maybe they were having a bad day or perhaps they’re going through something we don’t understand. By doing so it plants a seed for change through compassion giving others around you the opportunity to think differently.

It is up to the old souls in the school of mastery to practice rewriting scenarios into compassion in action anytime anyone starts to speak poorly about or attempt to diminish another individual. Bringing positive energy to a negative situation is mastery.

My job at the group home now makes complete sense. After seven months I felt like I was starting to suffocate with all the negative energy between the co-workers. Working there gave me the opportunity to see just how unattractive gossip really is and I did my best to stay neutral however it’s easy to get sucked in when everyone is standing around the water cooler talking so to speak.

I know I’ve personally been the one gossiped about, especially when I was a young adult. Sure I brought some of it on myself by making poor decisions but I don’t think people realize just how detrimental it can be to the human psyche. It’s strips away confidence and chips away at self-worth. I heard someone say not too long ago that a lie will travel half way around the world before truth has a chance to put its boots on.

Human nature is in need of a major overhaul which is a big reason why I’m here. Slowly but surely I’m collecting all the pieces to my puzzle. Now that I have the concepts of what it takes to graduate to mastery it’s time to focus on the embodiment. It’s time to really walk the walk. Haha, no pressure.

I’m here to be the example for others. I can’t help but find myself now being hyper-aware of everything that’s coming out of my mouth. It’s something I will have to continue to practice, silently correcting myself when necessary until it just becomes natural. I can do anything I put my mind to. I am infinite, I am fearless, I am Creative Source in human form. We are all God with amnesia.

I will do whatever it takes to prepare myself to step into the embodiment of the cosmic ambassador for New Earth I was sent here to be. I’ll tell you what, I’ve been studying human nature nonchalantly for a while now. Human nature needs to shift, our behaviors need to change, and it’s pretty awesome that it’s finally clear that it truly does start with me.

Happy winter solstice everybody.

Love and Light