Free Vitamin D

Happy 11/11, the ascension has begun.

The weather was so nice today I had to be beach bound and I can say with confidence that there’s a direct correlation between free vitamin D and my moody-y-poo. It hasn’t really been bikini weather till today (and tomorrow) so I’ve been cooped up in my studio (brothers garage lol) making jewelry and what not and I didn’t really realize it till today that my moods completely different. While I am my favorite company I sure do appreciate being around people and just being outside. There’s something to say for natures cure and free vitamin D, thanks Universe.

Side note. The video I posted in my last article got me thinking and I’m pretty sure a friend of mine who’s a higher up at Red Rocks Amphitheater mentioned that when they reopen, if they haven’t already I dont know, that cell phones were now gonna be strictly prohibited. Now I know why. In case you missed it, here’s that video again.