Full Moon in Pisces

Woke up with this song in my head…

Not sure why or who it’s about but oftentimes it takes a minute for messages to make sense. I’ll take it though, love me some Alan Walker any time of the day and I’m always here to love on anyone who’s heart is tired because I know exactly how that feels.

Full moon in dreamy Pisces today occurring at 5am EST. The full moon occurs when the Sun in Virgo forms an opposition to the Moon in Pisces. It’s an emotional time of romance, fertilization and relationships. Well we know where I’ll be tonight, hot date with our Creator and a fire pit Iol.

Being Virgo season it’s that time of year to take your overall wellbeing more seriously whether it be by implementing an exercise routine, a digital detox, or any type of detox for that matter. It may also be by removing yourself from exhausting people or situations and replacing it with things like nature. Our spiritual and physical beings are intertwined so both need to be free from toxicity for a deeper spiritual alignment and inner peace. How bout that rain yesterday, I know I went out of my way to walk in it.

It’s imperative that we make healthy choices honoring our bodies sensitivity as a square to Mars in Gemini presents challenges of restless energy. We may need to confront our own lack of faith before we can gain clarity of mind and action and respond by simplifying and releasing the excess.

The Moon is also conjunct Neptune alongside Jupiter enhancing the mystical undertone and greatly increasing our intuitive abilities therefore offering an escape from mundane routines and encouragement to explore, daydream and envision new possibilities. With Jupiter in Aries we must balance our personal needs for freedom with the collective need for healing and compassion.

Uranus in the North Node are key factors in this lunation offering great potential to open new doors. We may find ourselves with a-ha moments to new solutions or brainstorming ways to innovate our unique circumstances facilitating a deeper understanding of our personal values. And thanks to Uranus being involved this may require surrendering to radical changes from what we consider to be normal.

This moon also trines Scorpio and South Node creating a strong push to let go or close a chapter in our lives forcing us to detach and go within for guidance. It may support the ability to see the truth about something or someone which can help with an emotional release.

As we know this full moon’s occurring as Mercury stations retrograde and opposes Jupiter which means valuable information is coming in that may help expand our awareness. As Mercury takes its retrograde journey it may prove to release our mindset or bring clarity to things that have been clouding our views.

Love and Light