Two nights ago Spirit had me up in the wee hours, that’s a lot of 2’s. I don’t know sometimes they do that when I have something I need to write about or there’s something they want me to hear. It could be an “ascension symptom” but I’m not sure I buy into all that. Weight gain is another symptom, okay, I’ll blame a few extra pounds on that then lol. I was probably supposed to meditate in retrospect but I turned on my computer instead and didn’t find anything pertinent, something else happened though. It was dark of course except for the light from my computer but I caught something out of the corner of my eye, the picture of my nana and popo had fallen, or floated, off the shelf. My window’s not open and there’s certainly no breeze but I’ll be darned if this isn’t the picture that likes to move around the most.
This video crossed my path a few days ago and it actually did come to my mind when I was up in the middle of the night but I opted not to make a post about it in that moment. It keeps popping into my mind though and I know it won’t stop until I do so here you go. Besides something everyone should see it’s confirmation again how there’s so much hidden in plain sight.
God is Love