Galindo Love

I’m not gonna lie, last week I was kind of having a hard time, off and on anyway. I think the reality of my brothers passing was really sinking in now that it’s all said and done and along with that comes the fact that I really am on my own. Sure I’ve got my brigade of passed on loved ones and my army of angels but I was like, my mother and my brother are both really gone. Damn.

I still needed to grieve some more of the loss of my brother so that’s exactly what I did. It looks different for everybody but for me I was struggling so to speak to find the reasoning behind it all. In my world everything happens for a reason and while my moms passing makes sense to me, I guess I was searching for reasons for my brother. The hardest part for me on my journey is the timing. Answers to my questions don’t come quick enough for me, everything comes in divine timing which like I’ve mentioned before is rarely my timing.

I will give credit where credit is due though because the 4th of July couldn’t have been better timing to pull me out of my slump. Sometimes tragedies bring people together and that’s exactly what losing my brother did for me. At his service I reconnected with my moms first cousins, some of ’em anyway cause there’s a shit ton of ’em. John was actually close with a few of ’em too and I was invited to join them this 4th of July. Little did I know it’s exactly what I needed as I had forgotten what it was like to be immersed in an unconditional loving environment with people you call family.

I was reunited with second and third cousins I hadn’t seen since I was a child but I remembered all their faces and most of their names. I heard stories about how wonderful Uncle Henry which is my Popo, my grandfather and moms father, how wonderful he was and what a beautiful soul he had and how he helped the family learn about Jesus. He was an amazing human being and which is why my mother also had such a beautiful soul and I do my best to emulate the same. I heard stories about my mother and was told how much I looked like her, which is the best compliment I could ever receive and always love it when people tell me that.

We laughed all night long and enjoyed food, music, fireworks and best of all…each other. They welcomed me with the most open arms imaginable and it’s like I’d been a part of their parties my whole life. I cried off and on all night and even shed some tears now as I type this blog post, feeling that same emotion deep in my heart. The feeling of being loved, and wanted and appreciated is like nothing else and so far from something that can bought or faked, it’s indescribable and incomparable when it’s genuine. The Galindo’s have always been the most loving people and I felt every bit of it yesterday, and for that I say thank you. I’ve always said that the Galindo’s are all LOVE, and they are, and I’m so proud and grateful to be a part of it whole heartedly again like I was when I was a child. It just feels good.

I may have lost my mom and my brother but I gained my Galindo family back and that is simply priceless. I even heard my mom’s laugh, it doesn’t happen all the time but sometimes when I’m really laughing I sound just like her. I would think it was weird if I didn’t know how Spirit really worked and remind myself how connected we really are, even in her physical absence.



You can’t tell me this is a coincidence either, well you can but I don’t care what you say because I know. It’s no coincidence that this mother/son duo just magically popped up on my phone as I’m about to crawl into bed last night feeling all the love and gratitude from the evening. It even specifies it’s a mom and son. Not a coincidence, not even a little, and for that I say thank you! My interpretation is that these two represent my mom and my brother knowing how much I needed all that and letting me know that they know because they saw everything. Make no mistake, Spirit doesn’t miss a beat. The lyrics go so far as to even say, can’t help it, I love the way you feel. I have to shake my head and laugh because it’s just a prime example of how Spirit works. I love it!

All loving Galindo’s (my favorites anyway) on the Other Side, all cheering me on and always reminding me in Spirit’s loving ways that I’m never alone. Whether it be (monarch) butterflies, feathers, my photos, musical lyrics, pennies and dimes, visits in my dreams, intuitive thoughts, synchronicities, you name it, Spirit can do it. I believe in magic(k), do you?

Love and Light