Go Shorty, It’s My BirFday

You’d think my actual birthday was spent all by myself but when you live in a world like mine you know you’re never alone and my invisibles never seize to amaze as they like to show me how much they care. I went skating the day before my birthday, like I do every Friday and while the balloons that were displayed at the front weren’t for me per se, there’s no doubt in my mind that oh yes they were. Right down to the smiley face balloon. I busted out laughing the second I entered the center and walked right into ’em.

It was one of the ladies birthday a couple days prior but low and behold the balloons stuck around just long enough for me to enter stage right and have the pleasure of enjoying them as well. Needless to say it was a good day.

Saturday, my actual birthday, was pretty boring for lack of a better word. I went to yoga only to find it had been cancelled so I went home and meditated instead. That turned into a twofer because I ended up napping on top of it. Woke up with enough time to do some homework at the library and then head to work. On my way out the door I pulled a card from my raise your vibration deck and Spirit didn’t hesitate to make their presence known.

While I was journaling later that evening listening to the radio, which I don’t do very often because I generally play my own music at work. I bought myself a new phone for my birthday so I opted to listen to the radio so I could putz on it, and wouldn’t you know it, they played a birthday song for me that had me laughing and shaking my head…


Speaking of my phone, I had a few requirements before making the purchase. The main one was my desire to keep my phone number which most would find odd, even myself because my phone number took a minute to memorize as there’s no repeating numbers and there’s nothing sequential about it. Today I had this wild hair to do the numerology on it and I was pleasantly surprised to learn it added up to an eleven. That’s a master number and that’s pretty awesome. My weekend only got better when my friend and sister in Christ took me to lunch after church today at the harbor in Sunset Beach. She’s definitely Heaven sent and one of few who have been essential on my journey. She has enriched my life in so many ways and has been there for me when nobody else was. I spend most of the holidays with her and her family and there’s no doubt in my mind she was placed in my life by design.


When I arrived home this evening from work my weekend ended with a message from Spirit and for that I say thank you. Thank you for seeing me, thank you for hearing me and thank you for loving me. Thank you for believing in me and thank you for sending me here on assignment. Oh who am I kidding, I volunteered but thank you for having faith I could pull it off. I’m about half way to where I need to be to do what it is I’m here to do and that’s okay. I AM patient.


This message gave me gooseys all over and put a smile on my face as my eyes swelled up with tears. While I’m learning step by step, one day at a time what it is I’m here to do I do believe that I have a gift for turning challenges into opportunities, pain into blessings and darkness into light. One of my higher soul missions is to cocreate the new paradigm of Earth to 5D where people are nice to each other, where there’s forgiveness and compassion, where people learn how to cocreate with the universe. Where we learn how to control our minds and our thoughts, learning how to not listen to negative thoughts and feed the positive ones. Where we learn how to master our emotions and create the reality we want.

A manifesting generator who’s here to learn and teach others how to live in the 5D reality doing whatever I can to ease the pain and suffering of humanity. I’m here to help restore the peace on Earth by healing in any and every way possible. We can choose where to direct our energy, we can choose to be happy in a world where no one is left behind. We can choose to master the rules so we can break ’em like an artist. I’m here to help build communities filled with love and understanding. A peacemaker who wants to bring out the best in everybody by instilling the art of forgiveness and unconditional love.

Loving kindness is a state that comes from embodying a high vibration along with compassion and tolerance, all of which come naturally when we purify ourselves, when we’ve rid of our own egos. Egoless service is the best kind of service because it brings the essence of joy. The more we return to essence the more the state of love is naturally emanating from us. I don’t know exactly how I’m going to do it but I’ve also released the need to know everything. I will continue to grow and learn and find solace in what I do know and that’s that I’m here with purpose and I too, in a way, am hidden in plain sight.

Love and Light