God, Gay and the Truth

Bible study was interrupted by Thomas Edison this morning, bet he’s turning over in his grave cause he’s losing however many duckets over it being out for a few hours. Unable to watch our video of the week somebody brought up a question that I couldn’t wait to hear the answer to. A question that’s always in the back of my mind because this is a problem I have with the church and the Bible, if not THE BIGGEST problem I have with the church and the Bible. I didn’t buy it before and I still don’t buy it now. Nope.

The question was how do I bring a gay couple that’s been married for 20 years and never known Jesus into the church. Short answer you don’t which is sad. Actually and for the record that’s not what our pastor said. She said they were allowed they just can’t teach sunday school.

Do I for a second think that my God, my God that is made of nothing but love, unconditional love mind you, is going to not love people because they’re gay? I don’t buy it. Not even a little and not for a second. And this is the exact reason why I don’t agree with the church, this is exactly why I identify as spiritual and not religious.

The Bible is the word of God, yes. But let’s not forget that it was written and translated by men. So not only did these “editor’s” (for convenience and other reasons) of the Bible say things the way they thought it should be said, but they also left out like over 50 books and however many stories. I have a problem with that.

Maybe it’s just my nature not to follow the status quo, in fact I know it is. God created me to do just that so here I am. While I respect the Bible I’m not gonna agree with the Bible just because. Just because it says it’s true then it must be true. I don’t buy it. No, actually let’s look a little deeper, let’s ask questions and have a little conversation ourselves with God and see what happens. I guess I like rabbit holes LOL. I do love rabbits.

My love see no color, no race, no gender, no creed. We’re all interconnected, we all come from Source. My love sees your heart and your soul and the intentions behind ’em and if those are pure then you’re okay in my book. And I would be willing to bet my life that God would agree.

I’ll tell you what, this subject gets my blood boiling cause I can feel it boiling right now lol breathe, it is something I feel passionate about. Some of the most amazing people I know are gay and it shouldn’t matter what your sexual preference is. Number one we’re not supposed to judge and number two it’s none of our stinkin’ business. And three, there is no three please see one and two. I’ve been wanting to get that off my chest for a while now and thank you I feel so much better.

Idk a big part of me thinks we need to rewrite the Bible. A big part of why I’m here is learn the truth along with helping anybody and everybody with what I know and what I’m learning. I speak truth through compassion and unconditional love surrounded by forgiveness and understanding. I love humanity wholeheartedly. I’m an advocate for second chances for those who need it, recognizing the need to know better. When you know better you do better, when you do better you live better and  when you live better you live longer and happier. I’m an emissary for love and light and all that’s right and I can say with confidence that my God, your God, OUR God is too!