God In Huntington Beach

The sunset was breathtakingly beautiful start to finish yesterday. The sky was full of vivid and amazing colors and I like to describe it as God with no words. So different than what it’s like right this second in HB but still God nonetheless. We had that tropical storm roll through this morning. I’m guessing it’s what Florida must feel like all the time but on a smaller scale of course. No thanks though, I’ll pass on the humidity. I did get a paid day off though, I’m liking this job more and more lol.

If you look close and if you ask me, there’s a nice little orby-orb to the right of this next picture. I blew it up for visual purposes.

I see that same orb literally right in front of the lens, do you?

There was a Jesus concert last night, perhaps that’s why the sky was so gorgeous. I’m telling you there’s always something happening in Huntington Beach. I’m gonna call this a pop up concert because it came out of nowhere. I saw them coming down Main Street with their signs and whistles and the next thing you know boom it’s a full blown concert. I didn’t attend, but I didn’t have to, I heard it all night long. I have to admit I do get a little excited sometimes when I know the lyrics to some of the songs. It’s not Alan Walker but the vibe is definitely similar. You could feel the love that’s for sure.

I think his name was Spiderman, could’ve been Batman though. I don’t remember
there was a heart in my watermelon yay
happy birthday to my biological pops, not bad for 77

This blog post wouldn’t be complete without some signs and numbers from Spirit.

A day in the life.

Thank you God for everything.

144,000 that is
it’s a two-fer. 144 and 444
this number has recently started to pop up, I have yet to learn what it is though

Quick story about me and smiley faces that will probably sound silly to some but I don’t care, I’m gonna share it anyway. Ever since I was placed in my car I’ve associated smiley faces with my angels and guides. It seemed like they showed up all the time in the beginning. I feel like it was them letting me know that everything would be okay and it’s exactly where I was supposed to be. I didn’t receive any messages telling me this, I don’t think I was really receiving messages then like I do now but regardless I just had this deep knowing that that’s what it meant…for me. So I love it when they do pop up in my reality because just like all the other signs, it brings me comfort and puts a smile on my beautiful face. It’s another two-fer, this one’s specifically from my mom. Yay.

that’s me lol

Love and Light