God Is Internal & Eternal

Woke up this morning to this lovely message.

Thank you

Then there’s this guy who tried to get in my house yesterday, I had the door open because I was ‘mother cleaning’ and twice it almost flew in. Is it my mother? Is it God? Is it a June bug? D. All of the above. What’s even cooler is the ring used to belong to my mother and now sits on my finger, thanks momma. I’ve associated June bugs with my mom from back when I was briefly living with my dad. I asked my mom, the universe, God, I asked all of ’em for a sign when I was about to sit out back with two non-believers and while we were all sitting outside a June bug came and landed on the rim of my glass. Not only did it land specifically on my glass but it stayed for a substantial amount of time too. Could I convince the others it was a sign, probably not, I don’t even remember if I tried but it sure put a smile on my face.

I’ve been saying for a while that God is within and it’s funny because I’ve been saying it without truly understanding the reasoning behind it, all I’ve had thus far is that it’s just a knowing. Then a Gregg Braden video (which I’ll link below) crosses my path to explain it. He talks about translating coded DNA by combining Gematria and science, by applying letters to the bases of our DNA. I knew there was something much more to our DNA last summer when I went to court and saw them waving large amounts of court fees in lieu of DNA swabs.

The Creative Force that seeded the entire universe resides within every single cell of every living thing. From a blade of grass to every human being, hybrid or otherwise. Apparently the four elements of life (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen) just happen to be the four numbers that link four letters in the Hebrew alphabet that just happen to translate into ‘God eternal within the body’. This message is hidden within our DNA, within all of creation. By converting elements into numbers and numbers into letters the strands of our DNA become codes. Our genetic codes become words and words become sentences and there you have the most important sentence of all, and if you ask me THEE KEY TO THE UNIVERSE.

God eternal within the body


HEARTS. I find hearts in the most random places. I found the first heart, a dust bunny from work last week that looks like it’s playing hockey. The second heart, I don’t even know what it is, it looked like a clump of hay but I didn’t investigate any further, on the street next to my car. The third is a heart on the floor at the skate center. I’ve been skating this rink for a year now and just noticed it two days ago.

All signs of love


Love and Light