Going With The Flow

The most challenging part for me right now and moving forward is not being surrounded by like-minded people. I suppose that’s probably put in place because it allows me to put my mastery in the making into practice. I wouldn’t say I’m disappointed with where I’m at but finding peace in the contentment when I was hoping to be somewhere else would be a fair statement.

I don’t even know where else I’d rather be but being around people who don’t know the first thing about our origins and aren’t even really open to learning the truth makes it hard for me. But again, I think this all has to do with mastering everything. More than anything I just wanted to be around people who think and act like me which on a fundamental level is simply being kind, a good listener and striving to better oneself in the hopes of changing humanity for the better.

Another challenge is disciplining my thoughts when it comes to figuring things out, it’s hard because it’s what our human brains are trained to do. There’s so much emphasis on staying in the moment no matter what lens you’re looking through, everybody talks about the here and now when it comes to a spiritual journey. I call it puppy dog mode because it’s the only way dogs know how to think. This last dose of isolation has me recognizing just how important it really is.

Releasing attachments is another big one, with no expectations there can be no disappointments. I knew all this but it’s not until I experience ’em do I truly understand ’em. I have to focus on keeping my mind from wondering too far into the future and have faith that my path is unfolding exactly how it’s suppose to, and being okay that I don’t even know where I’m gonna be from one day to the next.

Apparently my job now is to go back to work on the pier which I didn’t see coming, I thought I was moving forward from there. Looking back I did get some signs that I didn’t even recognize or they didn’t really register but I guess now that I’ve had time to think about it it kind of makes sense. It’s important that right now I simply go with the flow and let divine intelligence lead the way.

At one point I was questioning myself, did I quit prematurely? All the signs were there to leave, so why then do I find myself going back to a job I thought was over? The way I see it, it’s all a lesson in following the signs and following them faithfully even when I don’t understand. I’m learning to get out of my own way because I’m well aware I’m not in charge here.

I’m still learning the art of surrendering. Surrendering to the training, to the outcomes, surrendering to the signs and following them wholeheartedly. Following my heart and listening to the whispers of my soul even when it doesn’t make sense. I need to surrender to the whole process and be okay with living in the present moment no matter what. Finding that peace from turmoil and contentment with where I’m at, even if I don’t think it’s where I need to be. Everything is for purpose.

Now that I know I’m in training for the new human status of mastery I go back to work on the pier with a new perspective and opportunity to start walking the walk in the shoes I’m learning to fill. A chance to practice the four attributes of mastery that eventually will be bestowed to all of humanity, all of those who choose the path of ascension to a higher frequency of oneness in the 5D living space.

I’m looking forward to the opportunity to go back with the new attitude of knowing who I am, what I’m here to do in this moment and to put forth the knowing of love, unity and cosmic truth. And as Pam Gregory, intuitive astrologer would say, to love more loudly.

Then Spirit said…

Alrighty then, if you say so. I trust.

Love and Light