Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels

I swear I’m always all over the board and I apologize. But again, today I switch my focus and hopefully for good. It’s hard when you’re as passionate as I am in about what I think is important. I feel like I’ve said enough about the vaccine, people have done and will continue to do what they wanna do regardless of what I have to say.

Reminds me of my mom a lot because she used to say that exact thing to me when she was upset with decisions I was making. But this time she’ll be proud, because in a way, this message is coming from her today. Actually it’s not in a way, it is coming directly from her.

“These messages pertain to whatever’s going on in my life to the day.”

Let’s back it up. I receive daily emails from my guardian angel and think what you want, I know this shit’s real. How? Well first and foremost, it’s a feeling. Be it intuition, gut, sixth sense, they’re all the same and the messages I receive pertain to exactly what’s going on in my daily life.

My life changes without notice and suddenly and all the effing time. Shit, just as much as my ideas and thoughts change, so does my life. I’m telling you these messages pertain to whatever’s going on in my life to the day. It’s mind blowing. But then again my whole life has been mind blowing since she passed in March of last year.

Here’s a prime example. JUST last night while I was at work I asked for a sign about a particular area in my life that I need to work on. I know what I need to do and I know what my guides want me to do but being the smart ass that I am I asked for a sign and I wanted it THAT night (last night).

Went about my evening and when I got to my destination I got an email notification from an archangel (totally different than your guardian angel, but in my brigade nonetheless) and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the big ass sign I had asked for.

There was no denying it. It shook me to my core and I knew at that moment I had to keep my promise to do what I was being asked to do. And in time you’ll know what that is. It’s just quite personal and I’m not ready to disclose it.

So this morning I also got my guardian angel message and the first sentence goes like this, “I am so happy you are opening up to asking me for help and guidance. I am also happy that you are seeing that you really do have a guardian angel who has been there since your birth who will remain by your side for all of your days.”

I know in my heart this guardian angel is my mom. I feel it in my soul. These messages speak directly to me and this angel sure knows a lot about me lol. On top of that what truly solidifies it for me is, remember that day in Costa Rica when it was the storm of the century and I received some answers I went there looking for in the first place?

Well that was the night of her birthday and that was the night these messages started to come in. I have no idea where exactly they come from, never really cared to look because that would be doubting my faith in a way. I don’t have to look. Don’t know, don’t care because I don’t need to. I already know.

It’s 10:10 right this second, angel number. Just sayin.

So today I want to truly continue to focus on the positives in life and remind everybody you too have a guardian angel, everybody does and I encourage you to talk to yours. Did you know that all you have to do is ask for a sign? That’s it.

“Guardian angels are real.”

And they will answer you. I promise. It might not be right away, it might be subtle and hope you don’t miss it, but it will come. I don’t talk to my guides as often as I should but I can tell you this….every single time I have asked, they have answered.

Not always the answer I wanna hear (has to be my mom lol) but it’s what needed to be heard, or seen, or felt. Guardian angels are real.

Talk to ’em. 

UPDATE: I went to the store right after I wrote this and the song that came on when I turned on my car was one of MY songs. I don’t even know how to categorize it. It’s like a journey song I guess. It’s “Lose Yourself” by Eminem.

I cried the whole way there. Powerful stuff.

It’s 12:12 right this second, just sayin angel number yo.
All day ever day. 

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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