Guardian Angels

One of my favorite subject these days is angels. Whether they’re guardian or Archangels, I’m a big advocate. I’ll never forget my first experience with my guardian angel, I’m pretty sure I’ve already shared the story but whatever I’m gonna share it again. I was at a light and about to go left when my clutch went out. Before I even had a chance to panic I looked in my rear view mirror and there was a man pushing my car. He pushed it into the adjacent parking lot and when I got out to thank him he was gone just as fast as he appeared.

Our guardians angels are assigned to us at birth and stay with us our entire lives never leaving our side until we go Home. They’re always there to help guide and protect us and it’s in our times of need that our angels come to the rescue. As long as you believe, know that they are always working behind the scenes making arrangements for us so we’ll be successful in any difficult situation because all they want us to do is enjoy life and live in peace as much as possible while our souls are learning the necessary lessons.

They also bi-locate and can be in two places at the same time remembering that only God is omnipresent. He’s everywhere all the time. Anytime you’ve been really sick and prayed hard for healing, or the time when you were struggling with debts and suddenly unexpected money and/or better income came your way, that was your angels. The times when you felt like giving up and someone came to extend you some help to solve your problems or when you were in danger on a dark road and a stranger helped you, or the time when you felt so alone and in despair and someone came to hug you or just stand by your side, those are the times when your angels have come to your rescue.

I’ll never forget a story someone shared in bible study about how he saw a really bad accident on the 55 freeway and as him and his daughter, who was seven at the time, were passing the accident she said she saw a big angel hovering over the scene (I just got goosebumps as I typed that). Or for me, I’m convinced an angel came between me and that Suburban because I’m telling you, I hit HARD and I feel like the damage should’ve been so much worse.

Their help comes in many different ways. They often send human angels as an instrument to give us the help we need, or when circumstances suddenly change and the problem vanishes with the change in motion. Other times they’ll show us the way and lead us to the answers to our problems. The answers may come in the form of delays and hiccups to our plans or meeting new people or just stumbling upon something on the internet that’ll change our lives forever. I don’t know about you but I can relate to every single one of ’em, and for that I say thank you.

The Divine will always lead you to the kind of solution that’s for your highest and greatest good. It may not seem like it sometimes because it’s not the outcome you wanted but one of my favorite sayings is rejection is God’s protection and redirection. It may hurt physically mentally and/or emotionally but it’s because there was a lesson to be learned for your soul’s growth and evolution.

Be inspired by divine intervention, I’ve seen it twice with my own two eyeballs thus far, and know your faith and gratefulness will help you attract the blessings and miracles the Divine is sending your way to help you with your everyday life. Know you’ll be able to reach the finish line and fulfill your own destiny because of your blessed experiences.

God and the Universe have blessed all of us by sending us our guardian angels to guide and protect us throughout our lifetimes. They will be with us until the day we transition so take the time to find the beauty in the encounters you have with your angels and be grateful for their continuous faithful presence. Keep those experiences in your heart and know everything in your life will be blessed and full of miracles. Help bless other people’s lives as well by sharing your experiences with others so others can also believe. When you spread goodness into the world it’s like a boomerang, it’ll come right back to you but in a stronger version of the energy of goodness of which you sent out.

Love and Light