Guess They Didn’t Like My Voice

Guess They Didn’t Like My Voice

So that lovely poem about being grateful, I just got an email saying it doesn’t meet quality standards…lol. WTF, really, a poem titled gratitude doesn’t meet the standards with quality?

I responded with this question, “can you please explain to me, in your own words, not some list of guidelines, what quality standards means?” Nobody has a voice of their own anymore it seems. Well I do, and I’m not afraid to use it.

And that’s one of the problems with today, all the stupid scare tactics to keep people quiet. Well, in case we’ve never met, allow me to introduce myself. Or reintroduce myself, rather. I’m fearless and certainly not afraid to voice my opinion.

“I think you’re awesome. Keep smiling…”

I love the irony how the platforms called “Voice” but you can only express yours if they think what you have to say falls in line with the misery in the world today. Heaven forbid you try to raise some vibrations and lift some spirits. I’ll be damned if I’m still gonna give it my all.

Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m gonna have to go back and look, a couple other poems were rejected too but I was too busy to really care. They sure didn’t mind the ones about my mom dying or any heartache I may have been feeling about this that and the other. HUH, now I’m really intrigued.


I’m not gonna let it consume me, but I do think it’s funny. Guess just another reason why I have this blog, so I can try and make people feel good when nobody else will. In between calling people on their bullshit of course. I have faith you’ll be able to distinguish between the two though lol.

And just in case you weren’t feelin’ it today, I think you’re awesome. Keep smiling, after all it is the universal symbol of an unspoken message. It’s the fuel behind a conversation that hasn’t even started. And it has the power to make you feel confident, comfortable and all warm and fuzzy inside.

Well at the end of the day, I know I WANNA feel that way and why the bleep wouldn’t anyone else?

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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