Full moons always offer us a chance to symbolically let go and release the things that no longer serve us and this full moon in Aries, with it’s independent spirit, amplifies these traits. Moving forward is a given but doing so with a new direction is even better. This final super full moon will also be taking place alongside the North Node and Chiron, both chillin’ in Aries. In Huntington Beach this Harvest Moon will light up the night sky tonight peaking at 2:57am PST.
This celestial event is a pivotal moment in time that acts as a mirror to the journey we’ve undertaken since the beginning of the year holding the potential to reshape our paths. With the full moon in Aries illuminating the night sky there’s an undeniable energy in the air heightening our emotions during this period. With the impending surge of the eclipse season it brings about potent harbingers of transformation, bringing about unexpected opportunities or sudden challenges and changes. These subtle changes carve out pathways for the soul’s growth forging connections that may have been thought of as impossible but can be profoundly meaningful in the grand scheme of life. I don’t know about you but that’s a yes please for me, I love the unexpected.
2024 is set to be particularly pivotal with Aries reigning supreme over the eclipse cycle energies signifying a fiery, assertive and pioneering shift in the cosmic dynamics. It’s essential to grasp the gravity of this transition as this year’s Aries full moon is the last regular one until 2025, bringing with it heightened intuition among other things. The universe communicates through murmurs and whispers, especially during these celestial events. Signs and messages we receive may seem cryptic or hard to understand but know that they’re essential pieces of a vast cosmic puzzle. Insights, visions or feelings you encounter at this time are like seeds planted deep within our consciousness, they may not sprout immediately but with time, they will grow.
Consciousness at grass roots is the awareness of internal and external existence, a special awareness or sensitivity. Although debatable depending on who you’re asking, our consciousness is the combination of our thoughts and emotions. Our physical earth vessel (body) is limited to the third dimension, however, consciousness is able to expand, alter and enhance our frequency. The frequency that we’re resonating at through thoughts and emotions work together to create a “state of consciousness.” That word’s about as much fun to type at synchronicities. Our state of consciousness is the frequency of consciousness that we resonate at with the NOW in our daily lives, along with our sleeping and/or meditative states of consciousness. Our “state of consciousness/frequency of consciousness” is something that we can control.
I heard someone say once upon a time that if you want to really understand something, teach is to someone else. I must say, having this blog and posting much of the content in which I do has been highly beneficial for me personally. I’ve essentially healed myself throughout the whole process. Spirituality can be confusing especially considering these days there’s so much information available and certainly not all of it is accurate but I do my best and rely heavily on my discernment and guidance from Spirit.
With these cosmic events, if you’re tapped in, many of us may be dealing with the effects of clearing old energies as well as issues that come with dealing with a third dimensional world. This is a powerful and difficult time to be on Earth. It’s a soup of dense energy blocking much of our remembrance of who and what we are and certainly of what we’re capable of. I speak for myself when I say that I knew exactly what I was in for before incarnating, I volunteered to be here at this exact moment. I wanted to be of service in assisting with healing crimes against humanity, however that shows up for me. I knew that the higher resonating status of my consciousness and that of others would add frequencies of Truth to Earth’s 3D consciousness. As I’m waking up more and more I bring the resonance of my state of consciousness everywhere I go and into every situation and with the people I come into contact with. Being a spiritual Lightworker simply means knowing the truth and living from my highest attained state of consciousness.
There’s been a great deal of harmful activities done to humanity which is why I call it crimes against humanity because that’s exactly what they are. There’s been a great deal of pain and suffering which is now slowly being exposed. The collective consciousness of the past is dissolving as more and more individuals are waking up to higher and more evolved ways of thinking and understanding life as we know it, the worlds evolution can’t and won’t be stopped. Mother Earth is a living and breathing being. Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with the sons and daughters of Father/Mother God.
God is omnipresent and love is the highest resonating energetic vibration of pure light from divine consciousness. Say that ten times fast. I’m not talking about kissy face love although that’s important too. I’m talking about love that doesn’t judge others…ever, love that forgives and love that understands compassion for others. Love is the glue that holds everything together, it even keeps planets in their orbit. It’s what makes the sun rise and set, it’s what makes flowers bloom, birds sing and fruit grow.
Love’s been misunderstood as only being attraction or emotion which are wonderful things but I need to reiterate that love is God resonance, the omnipresent, interconnecting energy infinitely flowing between all expressions/individualizations of one Divine Conscious God. It can be a wee bit overwhelming when trying to fully grasp the concept of God and it’s actually not something that’s meant to be fully understood, at least not here on Earth, God just is.
God is bigger than anything you’ve been told. As you start to perceive the wonder of the Creator, remember where it came from. Your Akashic Lineage is God. Ponder it. It’s about time you picked yourself up, stood tall, and claimed it. -KRYON
We need to do more than ponder it, we need to live it. We are all made in the image of God, from the LOVE of God. Whatever God means to you. You don’t like to say God, call it something else. I heard a lady say through a channeling once, “call Him Barbara.” I thought that was pretty funny. I’ve heard others refer to it as the great mystery. Our “universal history” has a lineage from the stars making Barbara our immediate family. I had a revelation the other day, or maybe that’s not the right word, perhaps an a-ha moment is simpler. Keep it simple, right? The number 1027 now has a dual meaning. I’ve always said 1027 is all things are possible with God. Well in my world God is Love so now that’s also what I say when I see it. All things are possible with Love.
Love and Light