HB Meditation

HB is so beautiful I love it. Spent the afternoon at the beach today and had a pretty life changing moment. I was meditating on the beach and I don’t even know if I can explain it correctly but so many synchrones happened back to back and I literally left feeling like a different person.

Besides the meditating being awesome and the flood gates opening I had an A-HA moment if you will and in some weird way my perspective changed. Or maybe it was a paradigm shift, I don’t even know. Sometimes you don’t ask questions and you just have to go with a feeling as tangible things can be deceiving. At one point I opened my eyes because during the guided meditation she was talking about God’s love and light and the ocean so I opened ’em because um hello I was sitting right in front of it. It was so peaceful. I couldn’t help but notice a little rainbow and found that to be simply beautiful. However long goes by and I opened my eyes again only to see the rainbow moved to the other side. So cool. You can’t really see the rainbows in these pics.

Then this guy made an appearance about half way through and just chilled with me. You can barely see it but a little white feather danced its way over and stopped right before the seagull. So effing cool.

Not as cool as the orbs that make an appearance in only some of the pics. I could understand the naysayers who say it’s the camera but if that were the case why wouldn’t it be in every pic? I’m always finding random shit in my pics, I love it. Just another way my mom communicates with me.

Then the same seagull came back and chilled some more. Haha just kidding I doubt it’s the same guy just seeing if you’re paying attention. I love birds, now more than ever, probably because most of my spirit animals are birds. Why you ask, because they symbolize freedom.

Then this song pops up in my YouTube feed as I’m feeling my awesomeness. I interpreted it as my higher self singing to me. And I cried some more of those silent streaming down your cheeks tears. Only those who are evolving will truly understand the connection. God is good and no wonder I’m exhausted.

Eventually I’ll share all of my supernatural pics with you but for now I’m tired from the flood gates and would probably benefit from a nappy-poo. It’s 8:22pm. But the way I see it is I’m gonna be up around 3am anyway whether I like it or not soooooo. My body is speaking to me so I shall listen., after a snack too.

But first, we come with jokes.
What are the two things you hated as a child but love as an adult?
Naps and spankings!
Yassssssss. True story LOL.