Healing Intentional Karma

May I just start with how wonderful my morning was? I haven’t been able to roller skate for about a week and I sure was feeling it. I’ve been out of the exercise game all together and I never thought I’d say this but I miss it. This coming from a girl who use to partake in illegal substances just so she didn’t have to work out. It’s funny because I remember telling myself when I was balls deep in it, I used to say to myself there’s gonna come a day when I have to do it the right way…but not today lol and I was off to the races. That day came a few years ago but it’s not until perhaps the past couple months that I’m taking it seriously.

I was on my way to roller skate this morning and a song came on. It’s a goodums from back in the day and I remember the last time I heard it, I was on my way to Vegas or Sedona, I remember the intersection, why I don’t know but I remember it like it was yesterday and how I was like awww this is my love song to Spirit. I heard that song again this morning while waiting to make a left on Magnolia. As I was sitting there getting a wee bit emotional Spirit showed me they felt the same way with a 444-4444 taxi that pulled up next to me. My heart chakra cracked wide open, or expanded even more so, the flood gates opened and words cannot describe the amount of love I felt in that moment, it was beautiful.

I didn’t even notice until I was proof reading, the time stamp on the song is 4 minutes and 44 seconds. When I arrived at the rink it started off with watching this girl, I don’t even know her name but she’s phenomenal. Anything you can do on ice skates you can do on roller skates. I think I might’ve been an ice skating champion in a past life lol because I sure do like to pretend I’m one in this life, when I’m out there skating. I recently watched The Cutting Edge, old school favorite and what a great love story. There’s something super sexy about hockey, anyway, my morning only got better when a fellow friend and skater made me my very own coffee mug. Yay. And thank you. The time stamp on that screenshot is an awesome 10:27. I don’t see a Starbucks logo, I see a queen of cups throwing up two peace signs, just sayin’.

I was recently drawn to a video titled “How Are You Known in the Heavens and Other Realms” by Nordic Light which turned out to be more than I was expecting. In fact she brought me to my knees with explanations regarding my mission here on Earth. How do I know she’s speaking to me? It’s hard to explain but in simple terms it’s my intuition. There’s just times when I know things, I can feel it. For example, the Kryon conference in Sedona this past summer, I knew I had to be there. The Disclosure Festival in Vegas, I had no idea what it was exactly but I knew I had to be there.

As much as I don’t want to admit it, same goes for knowing things that aren’t meant for me. For example, pranic healing. I did the first course and I’m grateful I did it. In fact, I just did some general healing on myself by simply sweeping, energizing and stabilizing my tooth (or lack there of) and my outta whack back. All better. But that’s as far as I feel I have to go right now. There is a weekend conference in April for the rest of the courses (total of four) but I’m not feeling like it’s something I have to do which kind of bums me out but at the same time I know Spirit has something else planned for me. I just have to be patient and let my path unfold naturally.

Some of the highlights from the video were kind of hard to wrap my head around at first but at the same time I know it’s meant for me to hear at this point in my journey. I keep asking for more and they keep giving it to me. It was more confirmation on why my life has been so difficult, why I had so many crazy hardships, and why I did so much stupid shit. It’s 4:44 as I type this sentence. I did a lot of things I’m not proud of in my 20’s and 30’s but it was all for purpose. I came here with earthly karma that wasn’t mine per se. I knew exactly what I was doing when I was writing my blueprint. I needed to unconsciously lose myself in karma in order to heal myself.

Some of us came to earth carrying karma such as sexual abuse and addiction along with fear, we created that karma for ourselves on purpose. When I created that karma for myself I made it possible to be able to heal myself and transform it because when we transform ourselves as individual souls it sends out a ripple effect which then impacts the collective. I did it so I could heal myself, to become a beacon of light to help transcend humanity. I can transform the collective energy through my own transformation. That’s incredible. She said it’s a hell of a job but that’s exactly what higher beings do, that’s exactly what angels do.

She went on to say I’m here to manifest a new world (our New Earth), I’m here on a mission to serve by doing the ground work. Earth is difficult by design because it’s where we all know the most soul growth happens. I like to say if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. Earth is very challenging on so many levels but it’s also a wonderful place to be and it’s only going to get better. The pendulum has already started to swing in the other direction, I promise you that. I can also promise you that there are many here like myself who came to bring Light to the collective. Fun fact, Earth is actually the 6th planet to undergo this transition.

I’m here as a healer which I’ve felt from the get go but hadn’t fully embraced until what, yesterday? I don’t even know. It goes back to feeling worthy which I didn’t really feel until recently and that’s because my past decision making didn’t make sense to me until now. Thank you for all the clarification because now it all makes sense and gives me that freedom to feel worthy and that’s huge. We are all worthy but I think it’s something we all struggle with sometimes. She also mentioned I’m a record keeper of knowledge, I have information that’s meant to be shared with the world, when the time is right.

I have a strong connection with Christ, in fact one of my incarnations was walking with Jesus, not as a disciple (but who knows at this point) but as a sister, Jesus had many followers. I do consider Jesus, or Yeshua, my Ascended Master, as opposed to Buddha and the others. It explains why I’m so drawn to the show The Chosen, which as a matter of fact I went to see last night. Took myself on a date to go see episodes 4-6 this time. I can’t get enough of it. I remember when the first season came out I was just recently living in my car. I think I watched the whole first season three times, maybe more. Wouldn’t you know it, last night a lot of it was about feeling worthy, it made so much sense. Everything is starting to make all the sense and it feels so good, like finally.

puts a whole new meaning on my pendant and keychain, both of which were gifts

I believe it when she says my Christ energy is strong. I believe it because I feel it, it just makes sense to me, it resonates. I believe it when she says I walked with Jesus, next to him, hearing his teachings and feeling his love and compassion. Many of us did, especially those of us who identify as old souls. I’ve had thousands of incarnations, actually I think I was already there, ascended status and when I say I volunteered to come back to help that’s exactly what I did, and here I am. She finished by saying keep going, I’m almost there. I will know what I’m here to do when the time is right. There’s no need to go looking for it, it’s spiritual knowledge, it will be channeled when it’s meant to, in Divine right timing.

Love and Light