Healing Wednesday (on Monday) Kryon Day 5


Woke up with this song in my head. Just let me love you.

After day 5 of the conference I’ve gotta say I got what I came for, I’m definitely leaving better than I came and for that I say thank you. I learned exactly what Kryon is and that’s a grand angelic energy who Lee Caroll has been channeling for roughly twenty years, he’s an advisor for the shift, aka Great Awakening, aka the ascension to 5D. I didn’t take a lot of notes throughout the event because I audio recorded everything so I could actually just sit and listen, and participate, and activate. But I did jot down some random key notes…

We’re here to show the way through divine feminine 

I allow myself to be inspired by the behaviors I model in life

Standing at the wind of birth, story of WO

Just enough…crazy (lol)

Universal calibration lattice is your toroid of consciousness, energetic circulatory system

I pheonix…do you?

You’re either a consumer or a creator

Follow the impulse of love

Even when you doubt yourself…follow the impulse of love

Instead of reacting…respond

What if healing was contagious?

Testing your faith and your ego

The ripples that follow an impulse are love

When you laugh your heart chakra is wide open

Talking to your cells is the key to allowance

Allowance is a big key too

I’m still building my confidence but I value myself

Old energy response conditioning. Not responding or defending isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign  of mastery

I am, I am that, the beacon of light, I am that

The next evolutionary step of humanity

It was pretty awesome for my first conference and I’m certainly looking forward to the next one. I didn’t make any friends like I thought I would but that’s okay, I’ve spent so much time alone it’s kind of become almost the norm (and preference most of the time) that it didn’t bother me. Besides my next destination is hanging with the Schimmelman Clan so I’ll be getting all the friendship I need, and then some. I’m heading to what I call the Schimmelman zoo lol and will be getting all the fun and play necessary to end this getaway. I will be finding ways to connect with nature though because believe it or not after all the time I just spent in Sedona, I didn’t spend as much time outside as I would’ve liked to but I also don’t need to go stand in a vortex to feel the energy from Mother Gaia.

Each day she had something even more stunning on

Karen was so beautiful and super nice and I looked forward to what she was going to wear with each following day because she was just gorgeous. Circle of Twelve and Healing Wednesday is a program I follow on YouTube and has been beneficial on my healing journey. Day 5 wasn’t part of the actual conference, it was separate but was well worth the stay and the pay.

I love bridges, prob because I am one

We ended the day with a meditation, it was pretty wild, I think it was like an hour which was a little long for me but I managed to get through it. Even shed a tear or two. I have to admit though meditation is a bit of a struggle bus for me because it’s so hard to quiet my mind but I did set an intention during the full moon in Sagittarius so now it’s up to me to put it into action and I am.

I did manage to make it at one point to go outside and did a self-guided walk/tour of the wild west of Sedona and read a little of its history which was cool.

It’s an elephant
I’m drawn to pathways
And birds
And the sky

I don’t know what kind of bug this is but it was a big one. Wanna know what else was big? The red spider that decided to move in on my right side mirror, oh man I told him, or her, it could stay as long as it stayed in it’s lane.

Caught the tail end of the sunset. Sedona is very beautiful and it’s hard to believe it was all under water however many millions of years ago. My focus was the conference so I didn’t do as much as I would’ve liked but I have faith I’ll be back to do it all when I have more time. Haha…time…that’s so linear, as Kryon would say.


Thank you Hilton for all the hospitality and perfect little spot for me to stay, I was even able to walk to and from the conference everyday. That’s why I chose it actually, and the price was right. Till next time.

Love and Light