Healing with Dana

Balance is imperative to a healthy life and means something different to everyone.  Whether it be spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, social, occupational, environmental or financial, they’re all important and can be like walking a tightrope to successfully keep ’em all in tune.

I spent last weekend with some girlfriends for some much needed R & R at a magical Air B & B in Dana Point and quality time in San Clemente. I was able to recharge with some awesome rest, delicious food and better company.

There were so many signs and synchronicities assuring me its exactly where I needed to be. A pelican, pennies and a lighthouse to name a few. But the best was the scent of my mother’s favorite lotion. I grew up smelling Jergens original (I think it’s cherry) lotion and smelling it when I least expected it made my heart sikp a beat and my eyes swell with joy.

Then we ended the already amazing weekend with a little puppy therapy cause who doesn’t need some some puppy breath to brighten their day?

Love and Light