Heyoka Empath

10 Weird Signs You’re a Heyoka Empath (the most powerful empath in the world)

Empath: someone who experiences the emotions of others on a deep level.

These emotions can often times make this empath anxious and moody but also offers greater insights into life. They can usually recognize these emotions just by facial expressions alone. Not to be confused with highly sensitive people empaths also feel the vibes which can be very overwhelming making ’em want to run and hide. They are extremely sensitive to noise and smells. For me it’s usually smells the most. Wet dog=gross, I’d rather smell poop all day than wet dog. Sorry puppies. While it can be amazing having a link to peoples emotions it can also be a burden in the fact that it can burn you out and overwhelm you at the same time. Many empaths suffer from anxiety so it’s critical to do self-care.

Empaths are highly sensitive people and not the other way around. Empaths are sensitive people but on a different level. They can read into any situation and are good listeners (ummmm, work in progress lol) seeing the world quite differently and special. They are easily drained by others and often need time to recharge. Intimate relationships can be hard to form at times as a result of all of the above. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said, “man, they just sucked the LIFE outta me!” You know the story. Energy vampires are everywhere (narcissism 101).

Other empaths include emotional, intuitive/claircognizant, intuitive/medium, physical, dream, flora/plant, fauna/animal, geomantic/earth. Along with telepathic, precognitive and the heyoka which means “Sacred Clown” in Native American. I have three kinds of Indian pumped into me: Cherokee, Yaqui and Apache. That’s why I tan so well. They are seen as the jester-type and they see things differently and often challenge the norm by going against the status quo. They are the maverick-type, unorthodox and unconventional. They can alter peoples perceptions and shift energies often acting like a mirror to others reflecting peoples emotions and traits both positively and negatively. They are wise with a streak of childness in them which can get confusing, especially when the empath is only trying to help. Heyoka empaths are the ones most people run to for consoling and advice. A lot of spiritualists believe them to be the most powerful of empaths because of the depth and the wisdom they portray.

Now that I want to go over every empath in detail, I’ll stick with heyoka since that’s what it was originally about. It’s crazy because I identify with more than one and while I’m not sure if you can be more than one, I don’t really see why not, but now that’s something else I need to research. It never ends but that’s the point and it keeps me busy.

Heyoka Empaths and 10 signs you are one of them.
And you probably guessed it, yup I’m 10 outta 10 for the most part.

1. People react emotionally to you
As an emotional mirror these empaths can reflect peoples true personalities and traits right back at ’em allowing them to see the real person they are. Usually done with humor they often take on the others behaviors as their own which as a result can cause strong emotional reactions and can even be life changing for the other people. I’ve always said, you either love me or you hate me and I guess now I know why. It’s not uncommon either for people to start out loving me and then before I know it, not so much. Just another lesson in not taking things personally and now this really puts that into perspective. Phew, at least it’s not ALWAYS me hahaha.

2. You go against the norm
Well there’s a big fat understatement. A free-spirited unconventional nonconformist? Pretty much and proud of it! My mom would ALWAYS say, “well Melissa’s gonna do what Melissa wants to do” and usually with a huge hint of sarcasm cause I’m sure as my mother she would be frustrated endlessly. I have no problem discussing uncomfortable and/or taboo topics. Remember that show Taboo, LOVED that show! I guess going against the norm classifies me as a spiritual teacher and, for me, going with routines and norms is BOR-RING. Another classic, if you tell me I can’t do something my response will usually be, “oh yeah, watch me.” Me and spontaneity go hand in hand too.
*Side note about the comment my mom always used to say. Just recently I was on a Zoom meeting with a bunch of other spiritual peops and we had the opportunity to ask some mediums a question. I’ll keep my question to myself for now but I kid you not, without missing a single effing beat, one of the mediums chimed in and said, “well you’re gonna do it anyway so why even bother asking?” The flood gates opened and I was speechless for a few before saying to the medium, “thank you, that’s EXACTLY what would’ve come out of my mothers mouth.”

3. A lover and not a fighter
I am now but that’s not how Erin Schimmelman would’ve described me back in the day as a good bar brawl wasn’t fun per se but sometimes necessary. Never forget the one at Kelly’s Corner Tavern in Placentia, California when somebody had to be put in check and being the awesome friend she was and is she had my back 100%. Went home with no pinky finger nail that evening as my acrylic nail didn’t really take a liking to a cheek bone but what are you gonna do? Strongest bionic pinky nail now though ha. Would I act like that today? No, not even close. Not even a little. I use my words of wisdom now cause that’s proven to be just as hard to beat. Overall, I’d rather not fight at all, it’s exhausting and a complete waste of energy, not to mention time.

4. You have a deep sense of knowing and are driven by a curiosity to explore
A deep knowing which is unwavering and unquestionable which comes with pinpoint accuracy and an intense desire to find and speak the truth. True dat! I never stop asking questions, uncomfortable or not. In fact it’s usually when shit does get uncomfortable, that’s when the real work is in progress in my opinion. I have no problem with being or feeling uncomfortable anymore and it’s pretty liberating because most people avoid it like the plague. No pun intended.

5. You take comfort in nature
Tent in a courtyard by the beach. Need I say more? LMAO
LMAO (laughing my ass off, for the crowd not super savvy with new age lingo)

6. You are young at heart
I like to say “life’s too short to be mature ALL the time” and it’s so true. I’m like an wise old medicine woman but a kid at heart. Best of both worlds, really. It’s nice to look at the world with fresh eyes sometimes and daydreaming is completely healthy not to mention necessary. I love art-n-crafts, I love acting stupid like a little kid sometimes. I’d much rather hang out with a bunch of kids, before they really know what a bully is, and just laugh and have fun. You know, it wasn’t meant for me to have kids this lifetime and that’s okay but it does make me sad sometimes because I would’ve been the best mom. No discrimination, no judgements, just unconditional love. I would’ve been simply smitten to have had a special needs child. Would’ve been completely okay with a team of gay kids cause that shit shouldn’t matter. We are all children of God, we come from the same soul and are all connected. Period. If people would remember that we’d probably have a lot less little narcissists running around. Wouldn’t that be nice. Don’t even get me started. Ugh.

7. You feel drawn to ancient and indigenous cultures
Drawn to long held traditions cloaked to Universal Laws as they embody and aid in logic and common sense. I think I just want to experience cultures that aren’t MINE. This is a new concept for me as I get older but definitely rings true. That’s just one of the reasons I need to finish my TEFL program and keep going. Peru here I come.

8. You enjoy solitude
AMEN. I truly do value my alone, my “me” time. This too is somewhat new to me. Another one of my sayings, “I am my favorite company.” I sure do have a lot of sayings ha and I’ll tell you something else too, every cliché I’ve ever heard is slowly starting to ring true too. It’s pretty funny cause they’re not really clichés to me anymore but rather truths to live by. Most of ’em anyway. The more I step into my spiritual truths the more passionate and intense I’m becoming and many if not most can’t really hang with that so I have to retreat and just hang with little ole me and revamp my everything more often than not.

9. You are honest with people
Too honest sometimes and to a fault but I’m learning there’s really no other way to be anymore. If you don’t like the things I have to say that’s usually because A, the truth hurts or B, you’re so closed minded you don’t want to hear it. I’d be doing a disservice to lie to myself or others especially cause part of my purpose here is to help others learn and grow so they too can awaken and expand into becoming the person they were truly meant to be. There’s nothing I want more than to heal people and assist ’em with personal growth. People will become annoyed with my honesty especially when it’s coupled with bluntness but the ones who want to change for the better will eventually discover it was for the greater good or simply accept me for me.

10. You sometimes find it tough to cope with sensory and emotional overload
Self-care and healthy boundaries are key. I’m a work in progress with both here too. Boundaries, wtf are those LMAO? So basically not only do I pick up on everyone else’s emotional shit, but I’ve gotta deal with my own crazy ass too which more often than not leads to a system fucking overload.

At the end of the day, I’m proud of who I am, I’m proud of how far I’ve come and I’m blessed to have these incredible abilities because all I wanna do is help people and be the best that I can possibly be while doing it. I’m far from perfect but at least I have no problem recognizing that and making the necessary changes that need to be made in order to better myself. I am striving to truly be the change I wanna see. Everyday.

-I don’t think I was born breech, I don’t know actually, but I do know I was two weeks late. And apparently so was my brother which I just found out. Best mom on the planet, even in her belly. She said she never so much as took an aspirin when she was pregnant too. The more I think about it the more I realize she pretty much sacrificed her whole life for her children, from pregnancy to death do us part. Craziness.

-I am slightly dyslexic especially with numbers. I have a tendency to combine words and switch words in a sentence.

-Emotionally unpredictable. LMAO, sometimes. Okay a little more than that according to others but it just depends on who you ask ha.

-I do most shit ass backwards.

-While I’m not technically left-handed, I DO sign with my left hand when it comes to sign language so basically that’s ambidextrous.

-And hell yeah I think different than most. Normal is boring. Why think out of the box when you can think out of your mind?