Hidden In Plain Sight

You want to know what else was hidden in plain sight? I watched a handful of movies as I was coming to terms with my natural immunity this past week. One of the movies I watched was Men in Black. Wouldn’t you know it, the warning of the Twin Towers was right in front of my face. I was appalled but not surprised. Two scenes with the Twin Towers in the background clear as day and in the following scene I think it was smoke stacks. Regardless it was obvious to me exactly what it was symbolizing. Ever looked at the quarter from the year 2020…bats. Even though we should all know by now this wasn’t natural and came from a lab. Either way…illegal.

I don’t look at much of anything the same anymore. You give a person/people long enough and they’ll show you exactly who they are. I know this all too well, I just see it quicker than most now.

Love and Light