Hope For the Future. Meet Rose From Kenya

What an amazing morning. I literally rolled out of bed and went to the sister breakfast expecting to enjoy some pancakes and fellowship. Unbeknownst to me we had a guest speaker, Rose from Africa, what an amazingly strong and courageous woman/mother/ sister from Kenya. She shared with us the fight that’s happening in her country right now against FGM. Female genital mutilation is still a barbaric and horrific reality for many young women in too many villages in Africa. It’s not limited to Africa, it happens in Egypt and India too. Unreal.

Being the brave and fearless woman that she is, and to protect her daughters from her nightmare, she stood up against the invasions and even hid her daughters and is traveling the world to speak out about it. I couldn’t even imagine. What an honor and privilege though to stand next to this woman who is beautiful inside and out. And she certainly made my day when I hugged her goodbye and she said, “your hugs are just like mine.” I left with a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

Her story also reminded me of an intimate conversation I had with a woman on a bus in Costa Rica when I was traveling one afternoon to volunteer at one of the schools. She was telling me how women there have no rights when it comes to abortion. Doesn’t matter if it’s incestral or rape, they have no say at all. In fact even if their baby dies at any point during pregnancy and doesn’t naturally abort they have to carry that baby to term. Wait, what? I can’t even imagine that either. The psychological damage not to mention physical that does on the human mind and body. So wrong.

You don’t hear stories like this everyday, they’re stuff nightmares are made of, but when you do hear ’em you don’t forget ’em and it really makes you realize the things we take for granted on a daily. We all need to reflect and show a little (lot) more gratitude for what we don’t have to endure in the states and then say thank you for the things we do have. We need to be a little (lot) less selfish and ego-driven and realize just how good we have it. And remember that we’re all having a human experience together so be kinder to one another. Just when you think you’ve got it bad I guarantee somebody’s got it way worse.

Evil is lurking everywhere on this planet and it’s all about to come to a head. Things might even get worse before they get better but they will get better. We’ve been brainwashed and double-crossed at every turn and in every country. Both differently and then with the same. Their narative won’t last much longer, the mass awakening is coming. It may be hard to see the big picture right now but all the evil and all the darkness will be uprooted and eventually we will stand together with our freedom. We’re still all in it together so let’s start acting like it.

Nice chem trail today too…Jerks.

Love and Light