Horse Manure

Horse Manure

What I would like to know is how can the medical profession (and Google) get away with bold face lying? I’m convinced the “vaccine” sheds, or transmits because my menstrual cycle went all out of whack.

How can a website such as ImmunizeBC from British Columbia bold face lie when they say it’s not possible for it to shed? And it’s not just this particular website either, it’s all ’em for cryin’ out loud. Every single one of ’em from a google search.

Well thanks to and this nice gentleman (who I would like to personally thank for putting it all in layman’s terms) for us. I mean what the actual fuck is really going on?

Don’t know, don’t really care because in the grand scheme of things, we’ll never really know the real sinister, sick reasoning and intentions of our government (and Bill Gates).

Check out the link below:



“…they knew we should’ve done something long ago..”

I‘ve been saying this for years, we’re all just pawns in their game of life. Or should I say population control. Pandemic, what a crock of shit. More like scamdemic and if you’ve heard that one already you’re free to use plandemic too.

Makes me sick to think we’re witnessing real life genocide before our very eyes. I get it, we’re overpopulated and I think something needed to be done many moons ago, but this, this is down right sickening. It’s almost like they knew we should’ve done something long ago but it’s a little late now so we’ll make it so the generations to come can’t reproduce.

I thought to myself too after having two periods in one month, wait a minute, if it is population control it wouldn’t make much sense to have two periods because technically that would be the possibility to conceive twice, right? Technically. Oh but wait, I didn’t menstruate twice.

I had my period then ding ding round two was actually my uterus bleeding and  not an unfertilized egg. Gross. And not to the womanly aspect of it, it’s gross to think (or know, rather) that we would knowingly do this kind of stuff to fellow human beings. Fucking gross. It really bothers me.

“Hats off too cause it worked. It still works.”

Masks. What an even bigger pile of horse manure. I overheard a customer say once the masks are about as effective as trying to catch mosquitoes through a chain link fence, or something like that.

Fear tactic people, that’s what the masks are. Hats off too cause it worked. It still works. Come on people, wake the bleep up. Covid was just a trial run to see how hard it would be to get people to be ignorant and submissive.

Not very hard at all. Giving away scholarships so you’ll get the vaccine. Pffff, “are you stupid or something?” “Stupid is as stupid does” damn right.

I’ll get off my soapbox now.   

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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