Hotel 1492 and Headphones

Hotel 1492 and Headphones

So I haven’t posted anything in a while. A lot of change is happening, a lot of reflecting and figuring shit out. After getting the answers I came for last Friday I decided to end my time in Quepos. The overall experience wasn’t the most positive but it was all for reason. And I’ll get into my personal opinion and review of Maximo Nivel soon, the other reason I’m here in Costa Rica.

So I headed back to San Jose for a week to reflect and sort my thoughts out. Tomorrow I’m heading to Playa Jaco to do some surfing.

Check this out, no sooner did I leave Quepos, I guess COVID blew up. 12 confirmed cases (just from my school and probably more now) and they’ve shut down the volunteer program indefinitely. Can someone say Divine right timing? I can. Rest assured I’m COVID free, being ostracized for almost two weeks has it’s rewards. Karma’s a bitch and she doesn’t mess around. I’ll explain that in my review to follow.

Arrived at Hotel 1492 like four days ago and can I tell you how much I’m in love with this place? It’s so quaint. I guess it’s a historical house turned hotel, which makes sense. It’s super quiet, so quiet you can almost hear a spider fart.

A what? Spiders don’t, yes, I know, exactly my point. It’s beyond quiet. Coming from the Quepos house, which at one point had like 16 volunteers and students living downstairs, this place is heaven sent.

It’s pretty cool though, it’s almost like half and half but more like a quarter. A quarter of it is outside and one of the rooms shower is even outside. Hard to explain but cool nonetheless.

I don’t have that room but the one I do have is super cute. Except for the door. OMG it’s squeaks so friggin’ loud. I couldn’t sneak out even if I wanted to. Feels a little like I am back in high school again. Except I’m not tryin’ to sneak out now and I didn’t try and sneak out then.

It has a bay window that looks at a wall, and a tree, and has four ginormous daddy long legs living on the other side. Biggest ones I’ve ever seen.

Found out some information I thought was interesting. Did you know…..
-they aren’t even spiders (but do eat em)
-they’re not poisonous (I know I was always under the impression they were, but fangs were too small)
-live on every continent but Antarctica (guess they don’t like cold)
-they’re social and hang out in groups (yep, I got four)
-different respiratory system than spiders, wait what? Lets dwell on that for a second…spiders and respiratory systems.

Yeah, tell me there’s no higher power known as God or Universe. The thought of a spiders respiratory system is about as miraculous as conception. (Let both of those sink in for a few)

Super cute hotel and yes, I love the quiet. Besides high school all over again downstairs at the Quepos house, there was also a symphony of nature, oh my goodness. You’ve got the stupid, literally stupid, roosters who doodle 24/7, the dogs and man one of em sounds like you’re pulling his limbs off one leg at a time. It was awful.

I had to watch and see which dog it was to make sure no one was torturing it cause it was awful. Then there’s the frog, who I swear it sounded just like someone who’s making the fake throw up sound. All night long, over and over, every 10 seconds.

However, I saw a flattened frog one morning in front of the house and was like, heh, you know I haven’t heard that guy the last few nights. I was there just long enough to become immune to it all but the first week was brutal. And I did have a sweet pair of head phones, thanks to Rob Buston, one of my buddies in Colorado.

Quick story. Rob loves his music (and fireworks) and we’re chillin on his balcony one night before I left on my road trip and I was wearing his headphones. Did I mention Rob loves his music?

So of course his head phones (come to find out) were ridiculously expensive, to the tune of $500, or some shit like that. I don’t even know exactly what happened, doesn’t matter, the next thing I know my world goes into slow-mo as I watch ’em fall aaaaaaaaaall the way down to the side walk, three stories. OMG, what just happened?

Long story short, I ended up trying to replace em, couldn’t find his exact pair, bought some that were similar, they weren’t $500 but I remember wiping a little tear when I hit the buy now button.

Had another (MacGyver) friend out of the blue fix the other pair. Fixed ’em well enough where Rob and I switched and now I have a sweet pair of headphones that I would never in a million years buy. And I love ’em!  

HAHA, one of the guests is on the phone right this second, I can hear the whole conversation and he’s talking about how he likes it here but it’s not Asia. I’ve heard him on the phone, this makes three times, telling people how Asia is so much better.

“They’re not as attractive as the Asian girls” and “they’re no where near as friendly as the Asian girls” lmao.

Let’s just say I know he’s not going to Asia for the fine dining. No secrets in this hotel. Nope.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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